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Settled case summary #8  -  Published

...Company takes steps to become compliant with the Act Settled Case summary: Company takes steps to become compliant with the Act - June 2004 Company takes steps to become compliant with the Act.... During the investigation, however, we noted that the organization had not implemented any privacy policies or practices...

Date of findings:
Settled case summary #6  -  Published

...privacy representative, these issues were addressed by the Office. The transport company agreed...Trucking company prepares privacy policies and procedures and designates a privacy officer... privacy policies and procedures and designates a privacy officer subsequent to settling complaint...

Date of findings:
Settled case summary #11  -  Published

...Trucking Business Formulates and Implements Privacy Policy Settled Case summary: Trucking Business Formulates and Implements Privacy Policy - June 2004 Trucking Business Formulates and Implements Privacy Policy Settled case summary #11 Settled case summary #11 Complaint The individual alleged...

Date of findings:
Publication  -  Published

...organizations and individuals may have about how private sector privacy laws work together. Federal law... about how private sector privacy laws in Canada work together. ... for privacy practices in the private sector. Alberta and British Columbia have both passed similar laws...

Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...Program - Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act Health Canada's Non-Insured Health Benefits Program Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act Overview In the summer of 2003 the OPC received several hundred... providers. Actions taken by the OPC We accepted the complaints under the provisions of the Privacy Act...

Date of findings:
Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...Findings: Privacy Act A different kind of fishing expedition? Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act... the Privacy Act, rather than one of protection of personal information. Outcome of OPC Actions... would normally collect include the names, addresses and contact numbers of vessel personnel. All of the remaining...

Date of findings:
Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...with Canada Revenue Agency demands for information - Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act Taxpayers must comply with Canada Revenue Agency demands for information Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act... (CRA's) authority to require taxpayers to provide very private information. In the first case...

Date of findings:
Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published Nanaimo Harbour Front scaled back - Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act Video surveillance cameras at Nanaimo Harbour Front scaled back Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act Overview A British Columbia... accessible boardwalk. Outcome of OPC Actions The Port Authority's officials readily agreed to move...

Date of findings:
Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...Where were you born? Where were you born? - Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act Where were you born? Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act Overview An individual complained that the practice... place of birth on the passport was discriminatory and violated individual privacy. Actions taken by the OPC...

Date of findings:
Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...RCMP medical questionnaire too intrusive for civilian applicants RCMP medical questionnaire too intrusive for civilian applicants - Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act RCMP medical questionnaire too intrusive for civilian applicants Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act Overview A woman was denied...

Date of findings:

Showing items 1331 through 1340 of 1390.

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