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Blog Post  -  Published

...Instead, we have compared and contrasted some of the web/app features and privacy practices that we found... and contrasted some of the web/app features and privacy practices that we found... our post for privacy reasons. Awesome moderating decision master-builder Emmet! As you can see, the site...

Backgrounder  -  Published

...Documents Act (PIPEDA), Canada’s federal private sector privacy law. See also: News ReleaseTrends...Backgrounder Backgrounder: Results of the 2015 Global Privacy Enforcement Network Sweep - September 2, 2015 Results of the 2015 Global Privacy Enforcement Network Sweep Backgrounder Results...


...and their exploitation by commercial private sector data analytic firms, and assess potential implications for Canadians’ privacy. Comments:...


...educational materials teaching children about mobile privacy risks and encouraging them to assume proactive, privacy-conscious behaviours when online. Comments:...


...authorities and private sector telecommunications companies over access to and sharing of metadata and private communications. Comments:...

Interpretation bulletin  -  Published

...available clear and specific information about their privacy policies and procedures. PIPEDA Report of Findings... should be consolidated and not spread across multiple, hard-to-find locations. The organization’s privacy... of Findings #2012-001 Social networking site for youth, Nexopia, breached Canadian privacy law...

News Release  -  Published

...News Release News Release: Privacy guardians urge caution for businesses contemplating a Bring Your Own Device Program - August 13, 2015 Privacy guardians urge caution for businesses contemplating a Bring Your Own Device Program News Release Privacy guardians urge caution for businesses...

Infographic  -  Published

...for BYOD privacy protection Getting senior management on board will ensure you can secure the resources to plan for and successfully implement a BYOD program that protects privacy. 2. Assess privacy risks Conduct a Privacy Impact Assessment and Threat Risk Assessment before adoption to identify...

Showing items 1321 through 1330 of 2500.

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