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Announcement  -  Published

...Announcement Announcement: OPC launches new online privacy impact assessment submission form OPC launches new online privacy impact assessment submission form Announcement OPC launches new online privacy impact assessment submission form March 18, 2024...

Blog Post  -  Published

...Privacy and reform of Canada’s Copyright Act Privacy and reform of Canada’s Copyright Act Blog Post The reform of Canada’s Copyright Act has been a long and contentious process. We have long held that particular aspects of the copyright debate – and digital rights management technologies (DRM...


...Privacy topics Privacy topics In today’s society, personal information is collected and used extensively, by individuals and organizations, for a variety of reasons. Advances in technology... the topics on this page to learn about privacy issues and find a wide variety of useful information...

Published Information Act or the Privacy Act does not appear on this web site. ... Bernier - Assistant Privacy Commissioner of Canada Employees Chantal Bernier Assistant Privacy Commissioner of Canada Travel Expenses - 2008 Date(s) Purpose Total Cost 12-12...

PIPEDA Case Summary #2006-345  -  Published

...activities did not meet the definition of “commercial” as set out in section 2 of the Act.  As a result, she determined that the school did not fall under the rubric of the Act. The Assistant Privacy...Private school not covered by PIPEDA Commissioner's Findings - PIPEDA Case Summary #2006-345...

Date of findings:
Announcement  -  Published

...members of the Global Privacy Assembly’s Data Protection and other Rights and Freedoms Working Group...Announcement Announcement: Joint statement on privacy and democratic rights to mark Human Rights Day Joint statement on privacy and democratic rights to mark Human Rights Day Announcement Joint...

Blog Post  -  Published

...It’s Data Privacy Day 2010: Are you taking the proper steps to ensure that your personal information is safe? It’s Data Privacy Day 2010: Are you taking the proper steps to ensure that your personal information is safe? Blog Post On Data Privacy 2010 we’d like to take a moment to remind...


...federal private sector privacy law, the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act... Privacy Priorities and the themes and observations that emerged: 2015-2022 Summary of work... the increasingly complex digital environment poses challenges for the protection of privacy and the role...

Research project  -  Published

...and private sectors. The courses aim to positively impact the protection of privacy rights... E-Learning Courses on Data Privacy and Anonymization E-Learning Courses on Data Privacy... courses on anonymizing data—covering the legal and regulatory framework around the privacy...

Publication  -  Published

...presentation package for businesses Publication The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) is committed to helping increase awareness of privacy obligations among businesses, and providing information to help them reduce privacy risks. We have developed a presentation package...

Showing items 1311 through 1320 of 1390.

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