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Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...Within Canada, Alberta’s private-sector privacy legislation, the Personal Information Protection Act... the way for an explosion in the role that personal information plays in the digital economy... about, their personal information handling practices. Pressure Point 1: Enforcement Under the Act, the Privacy...

Publication  -  Published

...and training for departmental staff responsible for Privacy Act compliance. Privacy can be an extremely...Addendum to Government Accountability for Personal Information: Reforming the Privacy Act Addendum to Government Accountability for Personal Information: Reforming the Privacy Act (April 2008...

Video  -  Published

...private-sector privacy law. PIPEDA establishes the rules for how businesses handle personal information... that can work for you and your customers. At the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, we protect...PIPEDA and Your Business: What you need to know about protecting your customers’ privacy Video...

Report to Parliament  -  Published

...Act and the Privacy Act 2017-18 Annual Report to Parliament on the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act and the Privacy Act Report to Parliament Trust but verify: Rebuilding trust in the digital economy through independent, effective oversight Office of the Privacy...

Powerpoint presentation  -  Published

...Privacy 101 presentation package Privacy 101 presentation package Privacy 101 presentation package Powerpoint presentation The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) is committed to helping increase privacy awareness among Canadians, and providing information on protecting privacy...

Publication  -  Published

...Documents Act (PIPEDA)—Canada’s federal private-sector privacy law – requires organizations to take privacy consideration into account when considering outsourcing to another organization...Privacy and outsourcing for businesses Privacy and outsourcing for businesses Outsourcing...

Submission  -  Published

...towards digital media, found that they do have very strong feelings about their privacy...Online Reputation and Youth: Helping a Vulnerable Population Secure Their Digital Future Submissions: Online Reputation and Youth: Helping a Vulnerable Population Secure Their Digital Future - August...

Publication  -  Published their care. The Privacy Act sets out the rules for the collection, use and disclosure of personal...Tips for raising your privacy concern with a federal government institution Tips for raising your privacy concern with a federal government institution Publication Federal government departments...

Published digital contact-tracing In the absence of robust federal privacy laws in Canada, a law that provides a framework for ensuring adequate protection of privacy rights in the context of digital contact.... At a minimum, we need common privacy principles enshrined in our public and private sector laws. Even prior...

Submission  -  Published

...We should remember that the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the federal Privacy Act were concurrently... but it should also consider other ways to protect privacy where consent may not work, for instance..., and they must be able to better coordinate their work. Finally, it is absolutely imperative for privacy laws to be applied to Canadian...

Showing items 121 through 130 of 1390.

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