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Announcement  -  Published

...Commissioner (OPC) will assess compliance with the Privacy Act, the federal public sector privacy law... Documents Act or PIPEDA, Canada’s federal private sector law by BGRS, a relocation management company...Announcement Announcement: Privacy Commissioner initiates investigations into breach impacting...

News release  -  Published

...of protecting the fundamental right to privacy of young people, who represent a notable proportion... three strategic priorities: addressing privacy impacts of the fast-moving pace of technological advancement... Protecting and promoting privacy in a digital world: 2022-2023 Annual Report to Parliament...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...that there is a desire to strengthen children’s privacy rights in Bill C-27, the Digital Charter Implementation Act..., especially given the importance of protecting the fundamental right to privacy of young people, who represent... my remarks today on the privacy principles that underpin my Office’s approach to the digital world...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

..., all depend on strong privacy protections. In this digital era, routine activities of daily life... now to some of our compliance work. Last year, we accepted 1,241 complaints under the Privacy Act... these lists available to advertisers for a fee. We found that this contravened the Privacy Act as...

Media advisory  -  Published

...annual report on privacy and study on social media platforms and foreign entities Commissioner to appear before Parliamentary committee to discuss annual report on privacy and study on social media... to discuss annual report on privacy and study on social media platforms and foreign entities Privacy...

Announcement  -  Published

...Announcement Announcement: Privacy Tech-Know blog: Computing while blindfolded — Lifting the veil on homomorphic encryption Privacy Tech-Know blog: Computing while blindfolded — Lifting the veil on homomorphic encryption Announcement October 24, 2023 Privacy Tech-Know blog: Computing...

Blog Post  -  Published

...and enhances the existence of the other. Instead of a zero-sum game, privacy and technology can work... to the privacy of individuals. For example, some investors have been subjected to acts of targeted violence... function where the prime factors of the base act as a passageway to the other side of the equation...

Announcement  -  Published

...of artificial intelligence on privacy Real Results: OPC-funded research looks at the impacts of artificial intelligence on privacy Announcement October 23, 2023 Real Results: OPC-funded research looks at the impacts of artificial intelligence on privacy The growing use of artificial intelligence (AI...

Research project  -  Published

...really are our ‘alter egos’ in the digital environment – thus the play on words in our project’s... was interviews with experts in digital environments, data protection and privacy, including Canadian...hide Real Results — Vol. 4 - “Recommended for you”: Data privacy and the algorithms used by popular...

Research project  -  Published

..., and only minimal discussion about children was found. Even in Canada’s own private sector privacy act... Growing up with AI: What are the privacy risks for children? AI is playing an increasing role... Despite the potential risks to children, Canadian policy responses to AI and digital privacy have remained...

Showing items 121 through 130 of 1390.

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