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PIPEDA Case Summary #2004-265  -  Published

...of an agreement. Findings Issued February 19, 2004 Jurisdiction: The Assistant Privacy Commissioner stated... remarked that cameras are highly privacy intrusive, and cautioned that a decision...Video cameras in the workplace Commissioner's Findings - PIPEDA Case Summary #2004-265: Video...

Date of findings:
Settled case summary #24  -  Published

...Company revises privacy policy to clarify why it keeps personal information for a specific length of time, and designates privacy officer Settled Case summary #24: Company revises privacy policy to clarify why it keeps personal information for a specific length of time, and designates privacy...

Date of findings:
Research project  -  Published

..., but frequently in secrecy and in contravention of the norms of privacy if not the laws. As the digital...The Intersectional Privacy Risks of Law Enforcement Influence and Involvement in Smart City Projects The Intersectional Privacy Risks of Law Enforcement Influence and Involvement in Smart City...

Letter  -  Published

...that are not so privacy-sensitive. COVID Alert application As you note in your letter, I appeared... Alert exposure notification applicationCOVID Alert: Exposure notification application privacy... Act. Return to footnote 5 Footnote 6 The privacy notice in full is accessible both in the ArriveCAN...

Research project  -  Published

...those of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada. Summaries have been provided by the project authors. Please note that the projects...Deeper Learning? Marketing, Personal Data and Privacy after Surveillance Capitalism Deeper Learning? Marketing, Personal Data and Privacy after Surveillance Capitalism Deeper Learning? Marketing...

Research project  -  Published

...Privacy, AI, and Machine Learning Through a Rural, Remote, and Indigenous Lens: A Resource and Toolkit Privacy, AI, and Machine Learning Through a Rural, Remote, and Indigenous Lens: A Resource and Toolkit Privacy, AI, and Machine Learning Through a Rural, Remote, and Indigenous Lens: A Resource...

Research project  -  Published

...Privacy for Wellness Wearables: Emerging Trends and Power Dynamics in a Grey Area Privacy for Wellness Wearables: Emerging Trends and Power Dynamics in a Grey Area Privacy for Wellness Wearables.... This report seeks to contribute to policy development by increasing understanding of privacy...

Research project  -  Published

...those of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada. Summaries have been provided by the project authors. Please note that the projects...Protecting privacy in the postgenomic era: Ensuring responsible data governance by direct-to-consumer companies engaging with epigenetics, microbiomics and integrative multi-omics Protecting privacy...

Research project  -  Published

...those of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada. Summaries have been provided by the project authors. Please note that the projects...Artificial intelligence, machine learning and privacy: From threats to solutions Artificial intelligence, machine learning and privacy: From threats to solutions Artificial intelligence, machine...

Research project  -  Published

...those of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada. Summaries have been provided by the project authors. Please note...Balancing the Privacy Right of Research Participants with the Public Interest in Access to Clinical Drug Trials Data in the Context of Rare Diseases Balancing the Privacy Right of Research...

Showing items 1251 through 1260 of 2500.

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