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Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...Offenders’ personal information discovered in recycling area Offenders’ personal information discovered in recycling area Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act Documents containing the personal information of approximately 100 offenders at the Correctional Service Canada (CSC) Regional Psychiatric...

Date of findings:
Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...Judicial review documents tucked into wrong envelope Judicial review documents tucked into wrong envelope Judicial review documents tucked into wrong envelope Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act A legal assistant with the Canadian Human Rights Commission accidentally included two packages...

Date of findings:
Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...RCMP says too much about family’s troubles RCMP says too much about family’s troubles Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act A woman complained the RCMP disclosed too much information about the difficulties she was having in controlling her son’s behaviour. The complainant, a school teacher...

Date of findings:
Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...Canada Revenue Agency justified in opening mail in alleged tax evasion case Canada Revenue Agency justified in opening mail in alleged tax evasion case Canada Revenue Agency justified in opening mail in alleged tax evasion case Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act An individual being investigated...

Date of findings:
Report to Parliament  -  Published

...– for destroying, altering, falsifying or concealing a person’s record. Crossing Borders The Privacy Act... by the Privacy Act is extremely low. Many data protection statutes, notably the European Union’s legislation... of protection of personal information held by the private sector than the Privacy Act does for data...

Blog Post  -  Published an appendage to the Canadian Human Rights Act. Privacy rights had taken an important step forward... Privacy Act: Creating a Modern Law for the 21st Century Privacy Act: Creating a Modern Law... to the Ford Model T. The passage of the Privacy Act marked the first time in Canada that privacy...

Publication  -  Published

...and payment card processors, but also privacy commissioners. This is because, to a large extent... at point of sale. The purposes of the Personal Information Protection Act in Alberta and in British Columbia are stated in those laws as follows: The purpose of this Act is to govern the collection...


...under the Access to Information Act or the Privacy Act does not appear on this web site. ... Black - Assistant Privacy Commissioner of Canada Employees Heather Black Assistant Privacy Commissioner of Canada Travel Expenses - 2007 Date(s) Purpose Total Cost 01-18...

Publication  -  Published

...and right of freedom of movement.  These concerns remain and are widely shared by many working in the privacy... have been working cooperatively with the OPC. Transport Canada has submitted a Privacy Impact Assessment..., well designed, and does not represent an unnecessary intrusion into the privacy of Canadians...

Report to Parliament  -  Published

...for reform have also been overlooked. The Privacy Act is now extremely out of date and in urgent... Documents Act Report to Parliament Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada112 Kent StreetOttawa... of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada on the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act for the period from January 1...

Showing items 1251 through 1260 of 1390.

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