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Research project  -  Published

...Privacy Analysis of Technologies Used in Intimate Partner Abuse Privacy Analysis of Technologies Used in Intimate Partner Abuse Privacy Analysis of Technologies Used in Intimate Partner Abuse... such abuse in the recent times. This project provides a systematic experimental privacy and security...

Settled case summary #11  -  Published

...Trucking Business Formulates and Implements Privacy Policy Settled Case summary: Trucking Business Formulates and Implements Privacy Policy - June 2004 Trucking Business Formulates and Implements Privacy Policy Settled case summary #11 Settled case summary #11 Complaint The individual alleged...

Date of findings:
Briefing package  -  Published

...Appearance before Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy, and Ethics (ETHI) of October 25, 2023 Appearance before Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy, and Ethics (ETHI) of October 25, 2023 Appearance before Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...S-2, An Act to amend the Criminal Code and other Acts, the “Protecting Victims from Sex Offenders Act” Statement: Appearance before the Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs on consideration of Bill S-2, An Act to amend the Criminal Code and other Acts, the Protecting Victims...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...S-18: An Act to Amend the Statistics Act Speech: S-18: An Act to Amend the Statistics Act - February 24, 2005 S-18: An Act to Amend the Statistics Act Advice to Parliament Senate Committee... Privacy Commissioner of Canada (CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY) Good morning. I appreciate the opportunity...

Announcement  -  Published

...and mitigating privacy risks, barriers and inequalities OPC announces new funding recipients for independent research: Assessing and mitigating privacy risks, barriers and inequalities Announcement OPC announces new funding recipients for independent research: Assessing and mitigating privacy risks...

Announcement  -  Published

...cycle explore the impact of privacy issues on diverse groups Completed projects from the OPC’s Contributions Program’s 2022-2023 cycle explore the impact of privacy issues on diverse groups Announcement... of privacy issues on diverse groups February 19, 2024 The information that the Amazon Ring doorbell collects...

Announcement  -  Published

...Announcement Announcement: Update to the joint statement on global privacy expectations of video teleconferencing companies Update to the joint statement on global privacy expectations of video... privacy expectations of video teleconferencing companies On July 21, 2020...

Publication  -  Published work for you Discussion Topic #3: What you post on the Internet is not private... on privacy issues through presentations and discussions. While it’s true that our Office has a wealth of knowledge about privacy laws and issues, we wanted to know whether Canadian teens care...

Announcement  -  Published

...government’s proposed new private-sector privacy legislation, imposes several new responsibilities... to Information, Privacy and Ethics to discuss the 2021-22 Main Estimates Commissioner appears before the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics to discuss the 2021-22 Main Estimates...

Showing items 1241 through 1250 of 1390.

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