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Report to Parliament  -  Published

...Privacy Act reform Report to Parliament Extract from the Privacy Act Annual Reports to Parliament 2006-2007...

Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...: Privacy Act Complainants worry gun owners will be identified after RCMP releases gun registry database... postal code. This was not considered personal information under the Privacy Act, which consists... through an Access to Information Act request to the RCMP. The newspaper then included...

Date of findings:
Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...Correctional officer breaches privacy to prove a point Correctional officer breaches privacy to prove a point Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act An offender complained that a Correctional Service...: “If you are worked up about the effects of smoke, I would suggest you stop using tobacco products...

Date of findings:
Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...Informant complains identity disclosed to ex-wife Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act... it could not withhold his identity and that if his former spouse requested the information under the Privacy Act... about her alleged wrongdoing. The complaint was not well-founded. Under the Privacy Act...

Date of findings:
Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...comments Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act A woman complained Elections Canada disclosed... provided the information. The Canada Elections Act allows registered political parties to obtain..., can be used for communicating with voters. The Canada Elections Act allows individuals to delete...

Date of findings:
Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act A woman complained that Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) violated her privacy rights when it investigated an overpayment of benefits... and determined she was working, but continuing to collect Employment Insurance benefits...

Date of findings:
Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...: Privacy Act The OPC received complaints from 37 CSC employees who argued their employer... Act, CSC was responsible for providing a safe work environment for its managers. Under the Treasury.... The employer first sent a notice to employees and union representatives and added patrols in sectors...

Date of findings:
Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...Employee complains DND disclosed personal information Employee complains DND disclosed personal information Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act A full-time, non-union employee of the Canadian... representatives were told the information was strictly confidential. The union negotiator...

Date of findings:
Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...Manager is justified in tapping into employee’s e-mail account Manager is justified in tapping into employee’s e-mail account Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act An employee at Natural Resources... are given an electronic reminder when they log on to the network that they can be monitored for work...

Date of findings:

Showing items 1241 through 1250 of 1390.

Date modified: