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Advice to Parliament  -  Published have invited comment on is multi-pronged and complex. My remarks today are intended to offer a framework... breath screening As you will note, subsection 320.27(3) of the Bill introduces a new ability... of this bill. Furthermore, I would be remiss if I did not remind members of the privacy risks inherent...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published Canada’s federal Privacy Act to address key gaps. As I noted during my testimony...Letter to the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics on study... and computers Letter to the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics on study...

PIPEDA Case Summary #2014-014  -  Published

...Commissioner’s Findings - PIPEDA Case Summary #2014-014 : Organization required to mask detailed... to the loss of privacy experienced by the disclosure of such information. Complaint.... We observed that the employee scheduling program listed and identified each employee...

Date of findings:
PIPEDA Report of Findings #2013-001  -  Published

...for longer than required for purposes of contact discover, we find concerns relating... in their private address books – we find it hard to believe that a user would consent to the sharing or broadcast...] Recommendation and Finding 70. As previously noted, Principle 4.3.2 requires knowledge and consent...

Date of findings:
Submission  -  Published privacy policies and notices, which Shaw believes should include measures to enable... the Discussion Paper’s acknowledgement that privacy concerns need to be addressed in a way that supports..., the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) and government. These comments are in no way...

Privacy Act Bulletin  -  Published

...Commissioner Dufresne addresses the Access to Information and Privacy community Commissioner Dufresne addresses the Access to Information and Privacy community Commissioner Dufresne addresses the Access to Information and Privacy community Privacy Act Bulletin February 16, 2023 Privacy Act...

Announcement  -  Published

...Announcement Announcement: Social Media Day: Don’t play games with your privacy Social Media Day: Don’t play games with your privacy Announcement June 30, 2020 Social Media Day: Don’t play games with your privacy OPC messages gamers and social media users...


...Reports to Parliament on Canada’s federal privacy laws The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada’s (OPC) annual reports on the Privacy Act and the Personal Information and Electronic... in support of its mandate to oversee the two federal privacy acts. The reports include a wealth...

Submission  -  Published

...Notice 2012-557 inviting participants to comment on the establishment of a mandatory code for mobile... and promote the privacy protections available to Canadians.Footnote 3 In our comments... a provision that supports compliance with federal private-sector privacy legislation...

PIPEDA Case Summary #2006-351  -  Published

..., it stated that it does not regard GPS as privacy invasive.  While it acknowledges that GPS enhances... Findings - PIPEDA Case Summary #2006-351: Use of personal information collected... on employee privacy were at the centre of a number of complaints...

Date of findings:

Showing items 1231 through 1240 of 2500.

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