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Settled case summary #2014-002  -  Published

...Apple takes positive action and revises Privacy Policy during investigation of complaint Settled case summary #2014-002: Apple takes positive action and revises Privacy Policy during investigation of complaint - October 1, 2014 Apple takes positive action and revises Privacy Policy...

Date of findings:
Announcement  -  Published

...” Under Canada’s federal private sector privacy law, organizations are required to report breaches...Announcement Announcement: International privacy regulators endorse resolutions on cybersecurity and facial recognition International privacy regulators endorse resolutions on cybersecurity...

Research project  -  Published response to what they had learned. The students’ work then became the basis of a privacy guidebook... The Peer Privacy Protectors Project The Peer Privacy Protectors Project Research project..., Executive Director and General Counsel Summary The Peer Privacy Protectors Project was created...

News release  -  Published

...News release News release: Privacy guardians issue joint statement on COVID-19 contact tracing applications Privacy guardians issue joint statement on COVID-19 contact tracing applications News release Privacy guardians issue joint statement on COVID-19 contact tracing applications GATINEAU, QC...


...that information that would normally be withheld under the Access to Information Act or the Privacy Act... Therrien - Privacy Commissioner of Canada Employees Daniel Therrien Privacy Commissioner of Canada... and participation at the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) Global Privacy Summit...

Publication  -  Published

...with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), Canada’s federal private sector privacy law. The goal of this introduction is to offer you information on how to meet... to PIPEDA for your business Publication July 2019 Have questions about your privacy responsibilities...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published to oversee the Privacy Act that governs the collection, use and disclosure of personal information... the Privacy Act is that personal information should not be collected unless it can be used to achieve...Bill C-16: An Act to amend the Criminal Code (impaired driving) and to make consequential...

Publication  -  Published

...appropriately—from collection through to disposal. Canada’s federal private sector privacy law, the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), sets the ground rules... to PIPEDA must comply with the Act when recording calls—whether the customer or the organization...

Research project  -  Published

...Exploring blockchain for consent and privacy data management Exploring blockchain for consent and privacy data management Exploring blockchain for consent and privacy data management Research project... everyone from private and public sector organizations. The hope is that as a result of this research...

Announcement  -  Published Private sector organizations subject to federal privacy law as well as individuals...Announcement Announcement: Commissioner publishes framework to assess privacy-impactful initiatives in response to COVID-19 Commissioner publishes framework to assess privacy-impactful initiatives...

Showing items 1211 through 1220 of 1390.

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