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...Event Description Cost 02-13 Working lunch to discuss privacy issues... privacy policies $63.60 09-01 Working lunch with University of Montreal professors to discuss... or the Privacy Act does not appear on this web site....

Announcement  -  Published currently the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel for the House of Commons. As set out in the Privacy Act...Announcement Announcement: Prime Minister announces nomination of next Privacy Commissioner Prime Minister announces nomination of next Privacy Commissioner Announcement Prime Minister announces...

Announcement  -  Published

...of the House of Commons. As required under the Privacy Act, his appointment was approved by resolution...Announcement Announcement: Philippe Dufresne appointed Canada’s new Privacy Commissioner Philippe Dufresne appointed Canada’s new Privacy Commissioner Announcement Philippe Dufresne appointed...

Announcement  -  Published

...Announcement Announcement: Privacy Commissioner announces appointment of new Deputy Commissioner, Compliance Privacy Commissioner announces appointment of new Deputy Commissioner, Compliance Announcement Privacy Commissioner announces appointment of new Deputy Commissioner, Compliance February 28...

Announcement  -  Published

...with the Privacy Act, and investigating complaints by those who have been refused access...Announcement Announcement: Privacy Commissioner appears before Standing Committee on National Defence Privacy Commissioner appears before Standing Committee on National Defence Announcement Privacy...

Media Advisory  -  Published

...Media Advisory Media Advisory: Privacy Commissioner to appear before Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security on Bill S-210 Privacy Commissioner to appear before Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security on Bill S-210 Media Advisory Privacy Commissioner...

Announcement  -  Published

...Announcement Announcement: Privacy Commissioner appears before Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security on Bill S-210 Privacy Commissioner appears before Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security on Bill S-210 Announcement Privacy Commissioner appears...

Interpretation bulletin  -  Published

...Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act by Elizabeth Denham Assistant Privacy Commissioner... and try to resolve privacy complaints against organizations. The Commissioner’s findings will depend on the facts..., the information was sufficiently safeguarded by converting a vocal tract into a matrix of numbers...

Video  -  Published

...Video: Strategic privacy priorities Video: Strategic privacy priorities Video: Strategic privacy priorities Video Short video of the privacy commissioner speaking about the OPC’s three privacy priorities....

Publication  -  Published a manner consistent with the Act, allows for the creation of electronic alternatives....  In other words, Part 2 of the Act seeks to put electronic and paper media on an equal footing.  As well, Part 2 of the Act seeks to ensure that federal legislation adapts to a growing electronic...

Showing items 1191 through 1200 of 1390.

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