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Publication  -  Published

...Ten tips for communicating privacy practices to your app's users Ten tips for communicating privacy practices to your app's users Tips for communicating privacy practices to users Publication September 2014 Conveying privacy information to consumers can present unique challenges in the app world...

Infographic  -  Published

...This infographic complements our Gaming and personal information: playing with privacy guidance. Text version... playing video games, take a moment to understand the potential privacy risks and what you can do...Gaming and your privacy infographic Gaming and your privacy infographic Gaming and your privacy...

Announcement  -  Published

...Services Act Commissioner responds to Senate Committee’s question on EU’s Digital Services Act Announcement Commissioner responds to Senate Committee’s question on EU’s Digital Services Act October 4... regulates the digital sector; specifically, the Digital Services Act (DSA). The request was made...

Publication  -  Published

...are required to responsibly handle the personal information entrusted to them. Canada’s federal private sector privacy law, the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) sets...Tips for raising your privacy concern with a business Tips for raising your privacy concern...

Publication  -  Published

...Guidelines on privacy and online behavioural advertising Guidelines on privacy and online behavioural advertising Guidelines on privacy and online behavioural advertising Publication December..., it is nevertheless essential that online advertising practices respect an individual’s privacy rights and consent choices...

Publication  -  Published

...Wearable devices and your privacy Wearable devices and your privacy Wearable devices Publication Revised: January 2024 Easy steps such as reading privacy policies and using strong privacy settings can help you protect privacy when using wearable devices such as fitness trackers. Wearable...


...and pretending to be you Discussion Topic #7: Online impersonation: prevent people from hijacking your account and pretending to be you It is important to know that some people do go into other people’s accounts.... Make sure to use a combination of letters, capitals and numbers and to choose...

Publication  -  Published

...Best Practices for the use of Social Insurance Numbers in the private sector Best Practices for the use of Social Insurance Numbers in the private sector Publication July 2004 Should businesses ask individuals for their Social Insurance Number? The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada...

Publication  -  Published

...Cloud computing and privacy Cloud computing and privacy About cloud computing Publication October... resources. Broad network access allows services to be offered over the Internet or private networks. Pooled.... Deployment of cloud services: Cloud services are typically made available via a private cloud...

Publication  -  Published

...10 privacy tips for businesses 10 privacy tips for businesses 10 privacy tips for businesses Publication Revised: February 2019 With privacy becoming ever-more important to consumers, good privacy... and limit your collection and retention of it. Ensure staff receive appropriate privacy protection...

Showing items 111 through 120 of 1390.

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