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Special Report to Parliament - Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...lawfully. Further, the common law clearly sets limits on the RCMP’s collection powers as a police body..., the RCMP explained: Under Common Law, police powers are recognized as deriving from the nature and scope... national police force contravened the Privacy Act, which applies to federal government institutions...

Consultations  -  Published

...for other public organizations outside of the police that are involved in law enforcement activities (for example... under existing law? If not, what are your concerns about the way police use of FR...Notice of consultation and call for comments – Privacy guidance on facial recognition for police...

PIPEDA findings #2021-002  -  Published

...obligations under PIPEDA. We deemed these matters out of scope of our investigation. In determining the scope of our investigation, we considered that the complainant had also filed a separate... information with our Office due to limitations in MFIPPA. Background The complaint The complainant made...

Date of findings:
Joint statement  -  Published

...Commissioners May 19, 2021 Background Vaccine passportsFootnote 1 are being considered... and implemented in compliance with applicable privacy laws.  They should also incorporate privacy best practices... under existing public sector privacy laws. Furthermore, consent alone may not be meaningful for people dealing...

Report  -  Published

...“believes on reasonable grounds” that the recipient is “subject to privacy laws that, overall, provide... if the transferor believes on ‘reasonable grounds’ that the recipient “is subject to privacy laws... assessments and what standards should be applied? What role does law enforcement/national security access...

Report  -  Published

...set out detailed criteria for cross-border transfers. Art. 46(2)(c) and (d) provide for Standard... Privacy Principle 8.2(a) – could be an enforceable privacy code or a set of binding corporate rules... a “reasonable belief” that the offshore entity is subject to a law or binding scheme that offers...

Report  -  Published personal data that meets the standard set by the law in the country from which data is transferred... information.” Paragraph 6(2)(a) of Bill C-11, which sets out the scope of application of the bill, also makes... of Personal Information Report By Teresa Scassa, Canada Research Chair in Information Law and Policy...

Submission  -  Published

...or investigate business practices to verify compliance with the law, without prior evidence or grounds..., I believe that C-11 represents a step back overall from our current law and needs significant... and concrete step toward privacy law reform in Canada. Arising from the 2019 Digital Charter...

Backgrounder  -  Published

...Backgrounder: Complaint timelines under various C-11 scenarios Backgrounder: Complaint timelines under various C-11 scenarios Complaint timelines under various C-11 scenarios Backgrounder   Text... Under C-11, only a few contraventions of the law can lead to the imposition of an administrative...

News release  -  Published

...with strong privacy laws are also leaders in innovation.” The submission sets out some 60 recommendations... private sector privacy law would be “a step back overall” from the current law and needs significant... government’s proposed new private sector privacy law. In the submission, he notes, the bill is frequently...

Showing items 111 through 120 of 410.

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