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Submission  -  Published

...Submission to the Office of the Privacy Commission of Canada Regarding its Project on Online Reputation Submission: Submission to the Office of the Privacy Commission of Canada Regarding its Project on Online Reputation Submission to the Office of the Privacy Commission of Canada...

Submission  -  Published

...Note: This submission was contributed by the author(s) to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner...Privacy above all other Fundamental Rights? Challenges with the Implementation of a Right to be Forgotten in CanadaFootnote 1 Submission: Privacy above all other Fundamental Rights? Challenges...

Submission  -  Published

...Protecting Canadians’ Reputation Online: Response to the Privacy Commissioner’s Report on Online Reputation Submissions: Protecting Canadians’ Reputation Online: Response to the Privacy... to the Privacy Commissioner’s Report on Online Reputation Submission Information Technology Association...

Submission  -  Published

...these first comments on the Privacy Commissioner’s consultation paper on online reputation...Can the right to be forgotten find application in the Canadian context and, if so, how? Submissions: Can the right to be forgotten find application in the Canadian context and, if so, how? - August...

Submission  -  Published

...Commissioner of Canada’s discussion about privacy and online reputation Submission TELUS August 2016 Note...TELUS WISE® essay: Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada’s discussion about privacy and online reputation Submissions: TELUS WISE® essay: Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada’s...

Submission  -  Published

...permitted users to post material anonymously. We did not find any correlation between the sites..., our findings were remarkably similar across sites. There are clear industry practices.... What We Examined We examined the “Terms of Use”, “Privacy Notice” and any “Code of Conduct...

Submission  -  Published

...Therrien: Facebook appreciates the opportunity to comment on the Office of the Privacy Commissioner’s... as the posts you create, posts you are tagged in, posts you “Liked”, and the comments you have made..., where they can review, delete or change the privacy of things they’ve posted in the past. Of course, people...

Submission  -  Published

...Find Application in the Canadian Context? Submission Christopher Berzins August 2016 Note... infancy”Footnote 5 when Canadian private sector privacy legislation was introduced so it remains...Can the Right to be Forgotten Find Application in the Canadian Context? Submission...

Published protect their online privacy. Comments:   ... telecommunications companies, and the privacy implications of these practices. The project will create...

Submission  -  Published

...own posts upon request, or the ability to remove user comments that violate privacy policies or terms... their own privacy settings and providing explanatory notes on how to do so. They also have a responsibility.... In cases where someone’s private information is posted online without consent on websites that host...

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