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Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...CIC challenged over indirect information-gathering procedures CIC challenged over indirect information-gathering procedures Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act A Canadian citizen complained... member. The Privacy Act, in fact, backs him up. It states in Section 5 that the government...

Date of findings:
Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...Sensitive letter leaked to media not treated as confidential Sensitive letter leaked to media not treated as confidential Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act In one case that came to our attention... their obligations under both the Privacy Act and the Government Security Policy. Summaries...

Date of findings:
Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...for garbage bin Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) notified us of a privacy breach in Saskatchewan after a plastic container holding incoming mail was mistaken... to advise them of the incident. Our investigation turned up no indication that the papers...

Date of findings:
Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...Amateur hacks into Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada computers Amateur hacks into Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada computers Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act In September 2008, an Agriculture... included personal information such as names, addresses, phone numbers, loan amounts and repayments...

Date of findings:
Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...No proof Human Rights Commission accessed woman's Internet connection No proof Human Rights Commission accessed woman's Internet connection Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act A woman complained that the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) improperly collected and used her personal...

Date of findings:
Report to Parliament  -  Published

...Documents Act Report to Parliament Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada112 Kent StreetOttawa.... That is why the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada is so committed to helping to safeguard personal information. In the private sector... leadership of Assistant Privacy Commissioner Elizabeth Denham in overseeing the private-sector privacy law...

ATIP Annual report to Parliament  -  Published our first annual report, given the nature of the work mandated to us under the Privacy Act, OPC staff... were carried over to the next fiscal year. Section 22.1 of the Privacy Act was added to the Act as a result...2008-09 Annual Reports on the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act (ATIP) 2008-09 Annual...


...Privacy and the 2010 Olympics In February and March 2010, Canada hosted the world at the Winter... officials uphold another core Canadian value: Respect for the privacy of individuals and the integrity... the Games, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, in conjunction with the Office...

PIPEDA Report of Findings #2009-008  -  Published

...Documents Act by Elizabeth Denham Assistant Privacy Commissioner of Canada Commissioner’s Findings... or a sense of “privacy”. 7. In an age where it appears almost everyone is leaving their digital... Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). Specifically, COPPA prohibits internet sites from collecting personally...

Date of findings:
Video  -  Published

...Social Networking Sites and Privacy Video: Social Networking Sites and Privacy Social Networking Sites and Privacy Video June 2009 Online, you really are who you say you are. The things... Networking Sites and Privacy -->   View transcript   Online...

Showing items 1171 through 1180 of 1390.

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