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Announcement  -  Published

...and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), Canada’s federal private-sector privacy law, in the context... provides general guidance on applying the Privacy Act, which covers the personal information-handling... The OPC is available to assist organizations subject to PIPEDA and the Privacy Act with questions...

News release  -  Published

...Enforcement Cooperation Working Group, is signed by Commissioner Dufresne and representatives from 11..., global privacy authorities say Social media companies must take steps to prevent unlawful data scraping, global privacy authorities say News release August 24, 2023 Social media companies...

PIPEDA Case Summary #2008-392  -  Published

...An individual objected to being photographed by a private investigator who was acting on behalf... by a private investigator retained by the defendant. Counsel for the plaintiff argued that the provisions of the Act...Individual objects to being photographed by private investigation firm Commissioner's Findings...

Date of findings:
Briefing package  -  Published

...Protection, Section 4.2.2 Privacy Act Section 71(1)(d), which authorizes the President...: Review of the Privacy Act. Report of the ETHI Committee. December 2016. Chapter 3.1: Criteria...: A Discussion Paper on the Modernization of the Privacy Act Global Privacy Assembly Resolution...

Publication  -  Published

...practices Teamwork makes the dream work. In some organizations, the privacy or breach team meets regularly... Publication The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada September 2020 In our 2019 breach record inspections, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner Canada (the OPC or Office) engaged...

Submission  -  Published

...A Proposal for Privacy Innovation in Canadian Law, Technology, and Corporate Culture Submission: A Proposal for Privacy Innovation in Canadian Law, Technology, and Corporate Culture A Proposal for Privacy Innovation in Canadian Law, Technology, and Corporate Culture Submission Waël Hassan, PhD...

Research project  -  Published

...upon? Hacking Privacy Youth-run design jam tackles how to build a digital future that protects everyone’s...hide Real Results — Vol. 4 - Protecting Privacy Rights through Innovative Research Real Results — Vol. 4 Research project Real Results Vol.4  October 2023 Protecting privacy rightsthrough...

Blog Post  -  Published June 2022 that would update Canada’s federal private sector privacy law. If passed, Bill C-27...Privacy Tech-Know blog: When what is old is new again – The reality of synthetic data Privacy Tech-Know blog: When what is old is new again – The reality of synthetic data Privacy Tech-Know blog...

Submission  -  Published

...Submission to the Office of the Privacy Commission of Canada Regarding its Project on Online Reputation Submission: Submission to the Office of the Privacy Commission of Canada Regarding its Project on Online Reputation Submission to the Office of the Privacy Commission of Canada...

Submission  -  Published

...Submissions to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada Regarding Lawful Access and the Consent Model under PIPEDA Submissions to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada... to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada Regarding Lawful Access and the Consent Model under PIPEDA Submission Lisa M. Austin...

Showing items 1001 through 1010 of 1390.

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