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Publication  -  Published

...Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), Canada’s federal private sector privacy law, recognizes... has recommended that private sector organizations not request SIN numbers and that individuals... Best Practices for the use of Social Insurance Numbers in the private sector Personal Information...

Publication  -  Published

...and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), Canada’s federal private sector privacy law, or provincial... privacy laws. British Columbia, Alberta and Quebec have provincial private sector laws that apply.... For more information, see our resources on privacy and Social Insurance Numbers. What are my options...

Joint Resolution  -  Published

...Ensuring the Right to Privacy and Transparency in the Digital Identity Ecosystem in Canada Ensuring the Right to Privacy and Transparency in the Digital Identity Ecosystem in Canada Ensuring the Right to Privacy and Transparency in the Digital Identity Ecosystem in Canada Joint Resolution...

Speech  -  Published

...from both the public and private sectors who play an increasingly critical role in protecting the privacy rights...Protecting privacy in a digital age Protecting privacy in a digital age Protecting privacy in a digital age Speech Keynote remarks at Canadian Access and Privacy Association (CAPA) Annual Conference...

Date delivered:
Address by Philippe Dufresne
Canadian Access and Privacy Association (CAPA) Annual Conference
Publication  -  Published

...Receiving a privacy breach notification Receiving a privacy breach notification Receiving a privacy breach notification Publication September 2019 Overview Changes to Canada’s federal private-sector privacy law came into force in November 2018. The changes require organizations that hold...

Federal Court decision  -  Published

...of the Canada Labour Relations Board (“Board”) during a hearing are not subject to the Privacy Act as.... Some of the leading cases decided under the Privacy Act and under the closely related Access to Information Act (ATIA). Some of the leading cases decided under the Privacy Act and under the closely...

Video  -  Published

...on screen: Be privacy proficient [Above the text, an icon representing a person appears in the middle...Be privacy proficient: Get meaningful consent Video: Be privacy proficient: Get meaningful consent Be privacy proficient: Get meaningful consent Video A short video to help businesses...

Speech  -  Published

...Privacy as a fundamental right in the digital age Privacy as a fundamental right in the digital age Privacy as a fundamental right in the digital age Speech Keynote remarks at the 25th Annual... so, Canada’s federal public and private sector privacy laws need to be modernized to respond and adapt...

Date delivered:
Address by Philippe Dufresne
25th Annual Vancouver International Privacy & Security Summit (VIPSS)
Video  -  Published used? There are simple ways you can increase your privacy power [An icon representing a person appears on the screen... (their privacy policy should provide contact information) [A rectangle representing the “To” field...Be privacy powerful: Know how to access your personal information Video: Be privacy powerful...

Video  -  Published

...[The logo of the Office of the Privacy Commission moves up to the top right side of the screen... the harm that could result from the breach. [The icon representing a person moves up to the top...What if there’s a privacy breach? Video: What if there’s a privacy breach...

Showing items 91 through 100 of 1390.

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