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Publication  -  Published

...Receiving a privacy breach notification Receiving a privacy breach notification Receiving a privacy breach notification Publication Overview Changes to Canada’s federal private-sector privacy law... What can I do? If you receive a breach notification from an organization: Read the notice carefully The notice...

Poster  -  Published

...Know your privacy rights – printable poster Know your privacy rights – printable poster Know your privacy rights – printable poster Poster This poster highlights a few tips for understanding and exercising privacy rights. The poster is downloadable so it can be reproduced. For best results, select...

Information card  -  Published

...Printable information card: Help Protect Kids’ Online Privacy Printable information card: Help Protect Kids’ Online Privacy Printable information card: Help Protect Kids’ Online Privacy Information card This information card is downloadable so it can be reproduced. However, you can also request...

Publication  -  Published the comments and feedback of other provincial and territorial privacy commissioners. We note.... The language upon which consent will be sought consists of a Privacy Notice and notifications... will be sought consists of a Privacy Notice and notifications during the sign up process. When individuals...

Information card  -  Published

...Printable information card: 5 Tips for checking and adjusting privacy settings Printable information card: 5 Tips for checking and adjusting privacy settings Printable information card: 5 Tips for checking and adjusting privacy settings Information card This information card highlights a few tips...

Information card  -  Published

...Printable information card: The Internet of Things: 4 Steps for Reducing Your Privacy Risk Printable information card: The Internet of Things: 4 Steps for Reducing Your Privacy Risk Printable information card: The Internet of Things: 4 Steps for Reducing Your Privacy Risk Information card...

Information card  -  Published

...Printable information card: 5 Tips for Raising a Privacy Concern with a Business Printable information card: 5 Tips for Raising a Privacy Concern with a Business Printable information card: 5 Tips for Raising a Privacy Concern with a Business Information card This information card highlights a few...


...into them. For further evidence that what you post on the Internet is not private, consider this line from the privacy...Discussion Topic #3: What you post on the Internet is not private – and what you can do about it Discussion Topic #3: What you post on the Internet is not private - and what you can do...

Privacy Commissioner Alert  -  Published

...Privacy notices are key transparency tools Privacy notices are key transparency tools Privacy notices are key transparency tools Privacy Commissioner Alert January 23, 2020... of the purpose for collection. (See section 5(2) of the Privacy Act.) If done correctly, a privacy notice...

Submission  -  Published

...Submission of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada on Bill C-11, the Digital Charter Implementation Act, 2020 Submission of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada on Bill C-11... of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada on Bill C-11, the Digital Charter Implementation Act, 2020 Submission May 2021 VIA EMAIL...

Showing items 1 through 10 of 2500.

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