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Report a privacy breach at your federal institution

New online Privacy Act breach reporting form!

Use the new secure online breach reporting form to submit breach reports and related documents to both the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) and the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) at the same time.

Federal institutions subject to the Privacy Act are required to notify the OPC and TBS of all material privacy breaches, which are breaches that could reasonably be expected to create a real risk of significant harm to an individual. (See TBS’s Policy on Privacy Protection, Appendix A: Definitions).

Federal institutions must also notify the OPC of the measures undertaken to reduce the impact of the breach when it involves sensitive personal information and could reasonably be expected to cause a real risk of significant harm to the individual.

Submit your privacy breach report online

Use this secure online form to:

  • Submit a report of a new privacy breach as well as documents related to the breach report
  • Add documents to existing breach reports when you are following up with further information and already have a temporary tracking number or a file number

The breach report will help determine the type of intervention that is required by the OPC, such as an informal discussion or an investigation.

You may also consult these private sector tips for containing and reducing the risks of a privacy breach for more information. 

Need help?

For more information or to discuss a potential breach report, please email the OPC’s breach response unit at

Other ways to report a breach

You can also submit a breach report using the Privacy Act Material Breach Report Form that is available in PDF format.

Submitting your completed PDF form

Submit your completed breach report (in PDF format) using the online breach reporting form.

  1. On the Request a link to submit a breach report screen, enter your email address and select the Submit button. You will receive an email from containing a link to access the Privacy Act breach reporting form. Select the Access the OPC's secure breach reporting form link.
  2. On the breach report screen, select Original Report and then select Next. Select Upload a completed breach report form option and select Next.
  3. On the Upload breach report and supplementary information screen, follow the prompts to update the completed form and related documents. Select Next.
  4. On the Download a copy of the breach report screen, save a copy of the breach report information you have entered and select Preview.
  5. Review the information you have entered and make any edits required. If you make changes, save a new copy of your report, and then select the Complete button to submit the breach report.
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