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Tips for choosing, using and protecting passwords infographic

This infographic helps individuals create and manage strong passwords. This infographic complements our Tips for creating and managing your passwords.

Infographic of Tips for choosing, using and protecting passwords. Description follows.

Tips for creating and managing your passwords

Choosing the right passwords can help you control your personal information and prevent it from being stolen. If someone obtains your password, they may be able to get into your accounts, see your activities and even pretend to be you.

  • Use passphrases or make passwords no less than 15 characters.
  • Avoid obvious choices or a reference someone else could guess. For example, the name of your dog.
  • Use different passwords for different websites, accounts and devices.
  • Change default or factory passwords.
  • Allow multi-factor authentication where possible.
  • Don’t share passwords.
  • Use automatic lock features.
  • Don’t use the “remember password” feature. Automatic logins are convenient, but risky if you share a computer.
  • Use a trusted password manager secured with a strong password.
  • If you need to write down passwords, keep them offline in a secure place.

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