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What kinds of concerns do people have about privacy?

July 2019

A short video explains the concerns Canadians have about their privacy. This video complements our Safeguarding personal information webpage.

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What kinds of concerns do people have about privacy?

Text appears on screen: What kinds of concerns do people have about privacy?

[On the screen, in the background is a picture of a young male worker, wearing an apron.]

Narrator: The numbers are in—an overwhelming majority of Canadians are concerned about their privacy. And while they expect businesses like yours to take measures to protect their privacy, they don’t always believe that companies are doing all they can to safeguard it.

[A great many icons of people appear over the photo of the worker. When the screen is covered with people icons, the icons change to icons of locks with keyholes. Some of the locks are open and some closed.]

Narrator: According to a recent survey, an overwhelming majority of Canadians are concerned about their privacy.

[The locks on the screen are replaced by an icon of a person with a warning symbol in the corner (a triangle with an exclamation mark in it)].

Narrator: Most have, at some point, refused to provide their information to an organization.

[A second icon of a person appears next to it and a red line crosses out the icon.]

Narrator: Over half have said they feel as though they’ve lost control over how their data is used and less than half feel that businesses respect privacy rights.

[A third icon of a person appears, with symbols around it that represent a person’s data. The symbols are a credit card, a thumbs up icon, a shopping cart, asterisks representing passwords, a cross representing medical information and two wedding rings. A fourth icon of a person appears with a picture of a small business in the corner, crossed out.]

Narrator: What does all this amount to? Businesses that don’t have strong privacy controls risk losing customers in today’s increasingly privacy-conscious marketplace.

[The icons disappear and an image of a small business appears on the screen. Icons with a dollar sign ($) on them pop out of the business and move away off screen.]

Narrator: The good news is, the more people trust a company, the more likely they are to do business with them. In fact, a clear majority of Canadians said they would choose to do business with a company because it has good privacy practices.

[Icons with a person on them start to pop onto the screen and enter the small business. Then a single, larger icon of a person appears next to the small business and a checkmark appears between them.]

Text appears on screen: 92% of Canadians are concerned about their privacy.

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