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Video: Raise your privacy concern with a business

A short video explaining how to raise a privacy concern with a business.

Raise your privacy concern with a business


[Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada bilingual logo, on a black background decorated with white circles]

[Logo moves to the left side of the screen, as a split screen moves in from the right. The other half of the screen displays a blue background with the same white circles, with the words, “Be privacy powerful” centered on the right side in white letters.]

Text appears on screen: Be privacy powerful

[Underneath “Be privacy powerful” “Raise your privacy concern with a business” appears in white lettering. The word “Be” is underlined with an animated yellow line.]

Text appears on screen: Raise your privacy concern with a business

[The entire split screen slides to the left and offscreen, to be replaced by an ombre of purple chevrons, going from lightest purple on the right-hand side, to darkest purple on the left-hand side.]

[Text in white writing appears on left side of screen. A white circle with a purple half circle and a small purple circle inside of it, representing the simplified shape of a person’s head and shoulders, fades in on the right side.]

Text appears on screen: Many Canadians feel they’ve lost control

[Around the circle with the depiction of a person, many small circles appear and float outwards. Some of the smaller white circles contain dollar signs, a number of others contain simply-drawn closed purple envelopes, and a number of others contain a small, plain rectangle outlined in purple, with a teardrop-shaped purple pin sticking up from it, reminiscent of the pins used in online map programs, and some contain smaller versions of the depiction of a person’s head and shoulders.]

Text appears on screen: over how organizations use their data

[Nearly all of the smaller white circles disappear along with the text, one small white circle with a dollar sign, and one small white circle with a closed purple envelope remain, along with the original larger white circle with the person in it.]

[The text fades in on the left side of the screen, and as it does, each of the three circles are outlined with a red circle. Next to the three red circles, in between the text and the circles in the centre of the screen, a drawing of a small store with windows and an awning appears.]

Text appears on screen: Do you know what to do if you think a business mishandled your personal information?

[The text and animation fade out, leaving only the purple chevrons.]

[The words, “Increase your privacy power” appear in yellow, with the rest of the text appearing in white on the bottom half of the screen. Above, a silhouette of the head and shoulders of a person, and an animated white dotted line draws itself in a circle around the silhouette.]

Text appears on screen: Increase your privacy power with these tips for raising your privacy concern with a business

[As the white dotted line finishes drawing on the right-hand side of the circle, a thicker, solid yellow line draws itself overtop of the dotted line, working all the way around the circle. When it reaches the top, the whole circle pulses with a flash of light, much like a computer powering up, and then fades out with the text.]

[On a background of purple chevrons, this same yellow circle appears in the upper left corner of the screen, starting large and shrinking inward to turn into “Don’t wait” written in bold white text.]

Text appears on screen: Don’t wait

[The text, “Raise your concern immediately” appears below the “Don’t wait” header on the left side of the screen, with an animated picture of a calendar page beside it on the right. The calendar page is the type that flips over, with rings at the top, and the date square is blank.]

[An exclamation point appears in the date square on the calendar page, and grows to fill the whole space.]

Text appears on screen: Raise your concern immediately

[The text fades out, and is replaced with more text on the left side, on the right, the calendar stays put, but the exclamation point fades out.]

[A white drawing of a clock appears above the calendar page, and the hour and minute hands on the clock revolve quickly around the face of the clock.Small squares representing the days of the month appear on the calendar page in an orderly row, one square at a time.]

Text appears on screen: It gets harder to address your concern the longer you wait

[The text and animations, including the header, fade out, leaving an empty screen of purple chevrons.]

[A yellow animated circle appears in the top left corner, growing outward, and then shrinking inward again to form the header, “Engage the right person” in bold, white text, which stays there.]

Text appears on screen: Engage the right person

[The text fades in below the header, on the left side, and beside it on the right, a drawing of a laptop appears, popping open, with a blank screen.]

[On the screen of the laptop, a yellow rectangle animates in the bottom right corner, moving from left to right, and stopping at the edge of the laptop’s screen. A white arrow that looks like a computer mouse pointer moves in from the right, and hovers over the yellow rectangle. A flash of yellow light moves outward in a small circle, indicating a mouse click.]

[The yellow rectangle on the laptop’s screen is replaced by white rectangles scrolling upwards, mimicking lines of text.]

Text appears on screen: Check the organization’s privacy policy

[The text and laptop fade out.]

[New text appears in white lettering under the header, on the left side, and an animated white speech bubble pops up beside the text on the right. The speech bubble contains the depicting a person to the left, with a white shield in the middle, and a white question mark on the right.]

Text appears on screen: Call to find out who addresses privacy concerns (often called the privacy officer)

[The text and speech bubble, and header fade out, leaving an empty screen of purple chevrons.]

[A yellow animated circle appears in the top left corner, growing outward, and then shrinking inward again to form the header, “Consider raising your concerns in writing” in bold, white text, which stays there.]

Text appears on screen: Consider raising your concern in writing

[The text appears on the left, below the header. On the right, the animated white line drawing of the laptop reappears, popping open, and a dog-eared white sheet of paper with purple rectangles mimicking text appears in the centre of the screen.]

Text appears on screen: Email or type your letter to ensure your concerns are clearly conveyed

[The laptop, paper, and text fade out, leaving the header.]

[The text appears in white beneath the header on the left, with a white circle with a shape of a person’s head and shoulders on the right side.]

Text appears on screen: Include contact information

[The rest of the sentence fades in below, and as it does, a picture of a white telephone receiver with the cord curled around to make a nearly complete circle appears just below the circle with the depiction of a person, and below that, a line drawing of a closed white envelope appears.]

Text appears on screen: and enough details for the organization to identify you in its customer records

[The text, animation, and header all fade out, leaving an empty screen of purple chevrons.]

[A yellow animated circle appears in the top left corner, growing outward, and then shrinking inward again to form the header, “Be crystal clear” in bold, white text, which stays there.]

Text appears on screen: Be crystal clear

[The text appears in white beneath the header. Directly beside the text is a depiction of a person’s head and shoulders.]

[A speech bubble pops out to the right of the person’s head, and white rectangles mimicking text scroll upwards to fill the speech bubble.]

Text appears on screen: Explain your concern in detail, including exactly what happened and what impact it has had

[The text on the left, and the rectangles mimicking text fade out, leaving only the depiction of a person with a blank speech bubble and the header.]

[The text appears in white on the left below the header, and as it does, a lightbulb appears in the person’s speech bubble, and grows to fill the entire bubble.]

Text appears on screen: Use simple language and stay focused on the issue

[The text on the left, and the lightbulb fade out, leaving only the depiction of a person with a blank speech bubble and the header.]

[The text appears in white on the left below the header, and as it does, a square with a checkmark filling it appears in the person’s speech bubble, followed by another white square below it with no checkmark in it.]

[The second white square in the person’s speech bubble, turns yellow, and a thick white arrow slides in beside it on the right, pointing to the yellow box.]

Text appears on screen: State the specific action you want the organization to take

[The text, person, speech bubble, and header all fade out, leaving an empty screen of purple chevrons.]

[A yellow animated circle appears in the top left corner, growing outward, and then shrinking inward again to form the header, “Set timelines” in bold, white text, which stays there.]

Text appears on screen: Set timelines

[The text fades in on the left side, under the header, and shortly after it fades in, directly beside the text a depiction of a person’s head and shoulders.]

[To the right of the person’s silhouette, a calendar appears.The calendar page is blank at first, but small squares representing the days of the month appear on the calendar page in orderly rows, one square at a time.]

[The final square to appear turns yellow inside.]

Text appears on screen: Seek firm, reasonable timelines for a response

[The text and calendar animation disappear, leaving only the header and the drawing of a person.]

[The text appears below the header in white, and as it does, a speech bubble pops out of the head of the drawing of the person.]

[A curved white arrow, pointing back towards the person, appears inside the speech bubble, filling it completely.]

Text appears on screen: If necessary, request an initial response

[The text fades in beneath the text already on the screen, the arrow in the person’s speech bubble is replaced by the drawing of the calendar with two rings at the top, and two rows of orderly squares representing dates shown on it.]

Text appears on screen: and ask how long a full response will take

[The drawing of the person, speech bubble, all text, and the header disappear, leaving only the purple chevrons.]

[A yellow animated circle appears in the top left corner, growing outward, and then shrinking inward again to form the header, “Be thorough and keep good records” in bold, white text, which stays there.]

Text appears on screen: Be thorough and keep good records

[Beneath the header, the text appears on the left side. On the right, a drawing of a dog-eared white piece of paper appears, with purple rectangles covering it, mimicking writing.]

[An exact copy of the first drawing of a paper, but slightly translucent, slides out to the right from the original paper.]

Text appears on screen: Provide copies of supporting documents and keep originals

[The animation and text fade out, leaving only the header.]

[The text appears below the header on the left, and beside it, a drawing of a dog-eared, white, blank piece of paper appears in the centre of the screen.]

Text appears on screen: Take notes on all conversations

[A speech bubble pops out from the right side of the screen, and is filled by an ellipsis that animates from left to right, slowly appearing in the speech bubble. As the ellipsis is filling the speech bubble, a line drawing of a pencil appears, and moves across the blank piece of paper. As it does, purple rectangles appear on the paper, mimicking lines of writing.]

[The animation and text fade out, leaving only the header.]

[The text fades in on the left below the header. Directly beside it, a white drawing of a file folder which is partially open appears. On the far right, beside the file folder, a drawing of a dog-eared piece of white paper appears, with purple rectangles on it mimicking lines of writing.]

[An exact copy, with the exception of being slightly translucent, of the first dog-eared paper slides out from the original, and floats into the partially open file folder.]

Text appears on screen: Keep and make copies of all correspondence

[The animation, text, and header all fade out, leaving only the purple chevrons.]

[The text, “Not satisfied with the organization’s response?” appears in white centred at the top, with a depiction of a person’s head and shoulders.]

[A speech bubble grows out of the person’s head.]

Text appears on screen: Not satisfied with the organization’s response?

[The text and animation fade out, leaving the purple chevrons.]

[The text appears centred in white at the top of the screen, above the bilingual logo of Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada.]

Text appears on screen: You may be able to file a formal privacy complaint with the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada

[The text and logo fade out, leaving only the purple chevrons.]

[The words, “Be privacy powerful” appear in the centre of the screen in white. Above the words, a depiction of the head and shoulders of a person, and an animated white dotted line draws itself in a circle around the person.]

Text appears on screen: Be privacy powerful

[As the white dotted line finishes drawing on the right-hand side of the circle, a thicker, solid yellow line draws itself overtop of the dotted line, working all the way around the circle. When it reaches the top, the whole circle pulses with a flash of light, much like a computer powering up.]

[An animated yellow line underlines the word “Be” as the text appears beneath “Be privacy powerful” and the website address appears below the text.]

Text appears on screen: Learn more about increasing your privacy power

[The screen fades to black decorated with white circles from the purple chevron screen, and the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada bilingual logo appears in the centre of the screen. Beneath the logo, the website address remains, the only thing that does not fade out as the screen goes from purple to black, and the “priv” part of the website address is underlined by an animated yellow line.]

Text appears on screen:

[ fades out]

[Fades to black]

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