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Video: Protect your personal information

A short video explaining what individuals can do to better protect their personal information.

Protect your personal information


[Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada bilingual logo, on a black background with white circles]

[Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada bilingual logo on black screen moves to the left side of the screen, as a split screen moves in from the right. The other half of the screen displays a blue background with the same white circles, with the words, “Be privacy powerful” centered on the right side in white letters.]

Text appears on screen: Be privacy powerful

[Underneath “Be privacy powerful,” “Protect your personal information” appears in white lettering. The word “Be” is underlined with an animated yellow line.]

Text appears on screen: Protect your personal information

[The entire split screen slides to the left and offscreen, to be replaced by an ombre of purple chevrons, going from lightest purple on the right-hand side, to darkest purple on the left-hand side.]

[An simple drawing of a small store with windows and an awning appears in the centre of the screen, on top of the purple chevrons, with the text written below in white letters.]

Text appears on screen: Whether online or in person,

[A speech bubble grows out of the door of the small store. Inside the speech bubble, there is a white question mark on the right, and a white circle containing the simplified shape of a person’s head and shoulders on the left. Beneath the animation, the text appears, written in white.]

Text appears on screen: you are constantly asked for your personal information

[The speech bubble and the store disappears, but the white circle with the circle and half circle representing the shape of a person’s head and shoulders inside stays, and moves down to the centre of the screen, with the text appearing in white letters underneath.]

Text appears on screen: Once information is out there,

[From the white circle in the centre with a shape of a person in it, many other white circles emerge, and proliferate outwards, filling the top half of the screen. Some of the white circles contain dollar signs, a number of others contain simply-drawn closed purple envelopes, and a number of others contain a line-drawing of a small, plain rectangle outlined in purple, with a teardrop-shaped purple pin sticking up from it, reminiscent of the pins used in online map programs. The text appears below the circles in white letters.]

Text appears on screen: it can be very hard to get it back

[The words, “Increase your privacy power” appear in yellow, with the rest of the text appearing in white on the bottom half of the screen. Above the words, a silhouette of the head and shoulders of a person, and an animated white dotted line draws itself in a circle around the representation of the person.]

Text appears on screen: Increase your privacy power with these five tips for protecting your personal information

[As line finishes drawing a circle, a thicker, solid yellow line draws itself overtop of the line, working all the way around the circle. When it reaches the top, the whole circle pulses with a flash of light, much like a computer powering up, and then fades out with the text.]

[ On an background of purple chevrons, this same yellow circle appears in the upper left corner of the screen, starting large and shrinking inward to turn into the “1.” in the first point. As the one appears, so does the accompanying white text.]

Text appears on screen: 1. Ask questions

[The words appear on the screen in white, underneath the heading of “1. Ask questions.” The words appear on the left-hand side of the screen. On the right-hand side, a drawing of an open laptop, has lines of yellow appear on its screen. A white arrow, like a mouse arrow on a computer, moves in from the right, and a flash of light pulses outward in a small circle, as if the arrow were clicking on the laptop, As the mouse “clicks,” rectangles of white appear and scroll across the laptop as if they were blocks of text.]

Text appears on screen: Make a habit of reading the privacy policies of the websites and apps you use

[The white rectangles on the animated laptop screen are replaced by a purple question mark in a white circle.]

Text appears on screen: If a company can’t explain how they’ll handle your personal information,

[The purple question mark in a white circle is replaced by a purple exclamation point in a white triangle, as the words fade out and are replaced by the next line of text in white on the left side of the screen.]

Text appears on screen: or you don’t like the explanation

[The white triangle with an exclamation point fades out, to be replaced by a red circle with a line. The text and the laptop fade away, along with the “1.” header at the top of the screen.]

Text appears on screen: Don’t sign up for the service

[A yellow animated circle appears in the top left corner, growing outward, and then shrinking inward again to form the “2.” The white text, “Just say no” appears next to the number in bold, and stays there.]

Text appears on screen: 2. Just say no

[Below the “2.” header, the same small animated line drawing of a store appears, with windows and an awning, in the centre of the screen. Beneath that, the text appears in white letters.]

[As the words fade in at the bottom of the screen, a small speech bubble appears above them, directly across from the small drawing of the store. Inside the speech bubble is a white circle a person’s head and shoulders.]

[A red circle with a line through it appears overtop of the white circle with the person’s silhouette in it.]

Text appears on screen: Don’t provide personal information to companies or salespeople if you don’t need to

[The speech bubble with the person’s silhouette fades out, and is replaced by a speech bubble which grows out of the door of the store. The speech bubble contains a white and purple line-drawing of a sealed envelope.]

[The envelope speech bubble fades away, to be replaced by a speech bubble that moves in from the left side of the screen, directly across from the store, with a white question mark inside the speech bubble, which fades away with the picture of the store, and all the text except for the number “2.” header.]

Text appears on screen: (this may include your postal code or email address at point of sale, especially if no explanation is offered as to why it’s requested)

[The text appears in white letters on the bottom half of the screen. Above it, a white button with the words, “No thanks” on it sits in the middle of the screen.]

[A white arrow that resembles a mouse pointer arrow moves in from the right, and hovers over the “No thanks” button. An animation shows the mouse pointer pressing down and clicking the button in a flash of light, and then the button returns to normal.]

Text appears on screen: Check “No thanks” on forms asking for personal information

[The “No thanks” button and all the text fade away, except for the “2.” header at the top of the screen.]

[The text appears in white letters at the bottom of the screen. In the centre, as the text fades in, a drawing of a hands-free headset, [ headphones and a microphone] appears, and a red circle with a line through it drops down on top of the white headset.]

Text appears on screen: Subscribe to the National Do Not Call List

[The words, including the “2.” header at the top of the screen, and the hands-free headset picture fade away, leaving an empty purple chevron screen.]

[A yellow animated circle appears in the top left corner, growing outward, and then shrinking inward again to form the “3.” Beside the “3.” the words appear in bold white letters.]

Text appears on screen: 3. Protect your devices and accounts

[Beneath the “3.” header, the text appears on the left side of the screen in white writing, with an animated drawing picture of a smartphone appearing in the centre of the screen with a little twirl, following by a drawing picture of a laptop growing upward as if it is opening to fill the right-hand side of the screen. Both the laptop and the smartphone have small white squares displayed on their screens, designed to look like apps.]

Text appears on screen: Make sure they’re password protected and use unique passwords

[The text on the left fades out with the picture of the smartphone, and the laptop computer picture slides over to be more centred on the screen as the new text appears in white letters on the left. The laptop screen goes blank as it slides over to centre.]

[A white shield shape grows to fill the screen of the animated laptop. The shield has a purple checkmark in the middle of it.]

Text appears on screen: Install and regularly update security software

[The text and laptop fade away, except for the “3.” header, to be replaced by the new text in white lettering on the left, and on the right, an animation of a purple drop-down computer text box shows the word, “Everyone” in white writing, with a white downward-triangle arrow in the right-hand corner of the text box.]

[The drop-down text box highlights white, and the writing, “Everyone” and the arrow, switch to purple as the drop-down boxes appear as the top one highlights. Below, two boxes in purple with white writing read, “My friends” and “Just me” ]

[The white highlight which was on the word “Everyone” in the drop down box scrolls down to highlight “My friends” and that box switches to white, with the writing in purple as it is highlighted. The drop-down box then closes back up, folding back in on itself, but now the words at the top next to the white arrow say, “My friends” instead of “Everyone”]

Text appears on screen: Choose strict privacy settings and review them regularly

[The text and the animation of the drop-down box fade out, leaving only the “3.” header at the top.]

[The new text appears in white letters on the left side of the screen, while a small drawing of a smartphone with a blank screen spins into the centre.]

[An animation of white shoe prints with a distinct heel and toe print appear one at a time, one after the other, leading away from the smartphone, as if someone were walking away, one foot after the other. The text and animation fade away as the footsteps reach the far right side of the screen.]

Text appears on screen: Don’t leave your devices unattended

[The new text appears in white letters on the left side of the screen, under the “3.” header. On the right side, two white rectangles depict wi-fi settings boxes on a computer. The top one says, “Wi-Fi” in purple writing, with a small purple dot and lines used to indicate frequency strength, beside it on the left side of the box, and on the right side of the rectangle, a red slider with a white circular button pushed all the way to the right shows the slider is set in the “on” position. The bottom rectangle says “Bluetooth”, with the Bluetooth logo on the left side of the rectangle, in front of the word, “Bluetooth,” and on the right is a red slider with a white circular button pushed all the way to the right showing the slider is set in the “on” position.]

[The white circle button in the top slider next to the word “Wi-Fi” slides to the left, and the slider changes colour from red to white, and the button changes from white to purple. As the slider slides left to the “off” position, the word “Wi-Fi” and the strength of signal logo beside the word “Wi-Fi” fade to light grey, so they are barely visible.]

[As soon as the “Wi-Fi” slider reaches the far left “off” position of the slider, the slider below in the “Bluetooth” rectangle also animates, slides to the left, and the slider changes colour from red to white, and the button changes from white to purple. As the slider slides left to the “off” position, the word “Bluetooth” and the logo beside the word fade to light grey, so they are barely visible.]

Text appears on screen: Disable Wi-Fi and Bluetooth when you’re not using them

[The text and the animated computer sliders fade out, leaving the empty screen with the purple chevrons, and the “3.” header still at the top.]

[The text fades in on the left side, on the right, with the text, a drawing animation of a skyscraper with lots of windows, next to a drawing of a tree grow upwards and fill the right side of the screen.]

[The Wi-Fi signal strength logo, a white circle with three curved white lines above it, appears to the right of the tree and skyscraper. A red circle appears in the upper left corner of the Wi-Fi signal strength logo, with a drawing of a white padlock inside it. The padlock is closed when it first appears, but the locking part swings open, showing an unlocked padlock on the Wi-Fi signal.]

Text appears on screen: especially in public where open wireless networks may not be secure

[All the text and visuals fade away, leaving an empty screen with purple chevrons.]

[A yellow circle appears in the top left corner, growing outward, and then shrinking inward again to form the “4.” Beside the “4.” the words appear in bold white letters.]

Text appears on screen: 4. Discard with caution

[The text fades in along the bottom of the screen in white letters.]

Text appears on screen: Make sure you properly delete data on old devices before discarding them

[A drawing animation of a smartphone appears on the right-hand side of the screen, and a drawing of a closed garbage can appears on the left-hand side of the screen. The smartphone’s screen has a number of white circles that fly out, one by one, from the screen, and float across into the trash can, whose lid opens as the first circle approaches.]

[The first white circle has a purple dollar sign inside it, the next has a silhouette of the head and shoulders of a person, followed by a white circle with a purple rectangle with a purple teardrop-shaped map pin sticking out of it, and the last white circle has a purple closed envelope in the middle.]

[After the last circle has flown into the trash can, its lid tips back down and everything fades off the screen, leaving it empty once the trash can lid is fully closed.]

[A yellow animated circle appears in the top left corner, growing outward, and then shrinking inward again to form the “5.” Beside the “5.” the words appear in bold white letters.]

Text appears on screen: 5. Know your rights!

[A large white maple leaf appears under the “5.” header, and beneath that the text fades in.]

Text appears on screen: Read up on the basics of Canada’s privacy laws

[As the next line of text fades in to join what is already on the screen, the small white circles depicting maps with pins, dollar signs, unopened envelopes, and the shape of a person, float out from the maple leaf in the centre, filling the space on either side of the maple leaf.]

Text appears on screen: and make choices about what personal information you share

[The words, “Be privacy powerful” appear in the centre of the screen in white. Above, the head and shoulders of a person, and an animated white dotted line draws itself in a circle around the representation of the person.]

Text appears on screen: Be privacy powerful

[As the white dotted line finishes drawing on the right-hand side of the circle, a thicker, solid yellow line draws itself overtop of the dotted line, working all the way around the circle. When it reaches the top, the whole circle pulses with a flash of light, much like a computer powering up.]

[An animated yellow line underlines the word “Be,” as the text appears beneath “Be privacy powerful” and the website address appears below the text.]

Text appears on screen: Learn more about increasing your privacy power

[The screen fades to black decorated with white circles from the purple chevron screen, and the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada bilingual logo appears in the centre of the screen. Beneath the logo, the website address remains, the only thing that does not fade out as the screen goes from purple to black, and the “priv” part of the website address is underlined by an animated yellow line.]

Text appears on screen:

[ fades out]

[Fades to black]

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