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Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs) received from Department of National Defence (DND) and the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF)

Appearance before the Standing Committee on National Defence (NDDN)

This list contains PIAs received from both DND and the CAF. All PIAs are submitted through the DND ATIP office.
Date Received PIA Title Topic and Issue(s) Status
2024-03-26 DND - Federal Health Claims Processing Service PIA DND contracts with a third-party health claims processing administrator to manage health claims of CAF members. DND/CAF is responsible for determining the eligibility of CAF members. No secondary review - Closed.
2024-03-08 DND/CAF - Sexual Misconduct Centre - Restorative Engagement Program (REP) PIA Program allows members to share their experience of sexual misconduct to senior representatives of DND/CAF through a restorative engagement process. With the OPC for secondary review.
2024-02-19 DND - Declaration of Victims Rights (DVR) Complaint Review Mechanism PIA Initiative provides rights to information, protection, participation, and restitution in the military justice system for victims of services offences. With the OPC for secondary review.
2024-01-08 DND - Canadian Armed Forces Anthropometric Program for Soldier System Acquisition (CAPSSA) Anthropometry defines and measures the size, form, proportions, and functional capacities of the human body. Anthropometric data can be used for the design and procurement of clothing and personal equipment, and the design and engineering of weapon platforms, workstations, and defence infrastructure. No secondary review - Closed.
2023-09-14 DND - Conducting Administrative Investigations in the Canadian Armed Forces: Summary Investigations and Boards of Inquiry. Disclosures of final reports of administrative investigations into non-combat deaths to service members’ families.

Issue: The use of public interest disclosures vs consistent use for disclosure of death reports to next of kin; monitor/audit compliance with privacy training; data minimization.
Reviewed and recommendations provided – Closed.
2023-09-11 DND/CAF - Biometric Collection within the Defence Intelligence Enterprise (DIE) Program Vendor contracted for biometric information collection, storage, and sharing with international partners. The devices being deployed will collect and create biometric templates of facial images, fingerprints, iris scans, palm prints, and latent fingerprints. With the OPC for secondary review.
2023-08-31 DND - Sexual Misconduct Response Centre’s (SMRC) Independent Legal Advice Program (ILAP) PIA Free legal advice to individuals under the SMRC. No secondary review - Closed.
2023-08-21 DND - Litigation Claims Processing Program Collection of personal information (PI) to manage class action settlement agreements and outcomes. Involves the disclosure of CAF members’ PI, DND employees, and staff of Non-Public Funds.

Issue: Unclear legal authority to collect social insurance numbers.
Reviewed and recommendations provided – Closed.
2023-03-23 DND/CAF - PSSO Polygraph Program Deployment of in-house polygraph examination capability as part of DND/CAF security screening processes.

Issue: Necessity and effectiveness of polygraph questions; overcollection safeguards; cautions about collecting 3rd party info; adequate privacy breach policies/training.
Reviewed and recommendations provided – Closed.
2022-11-16 DND/CAF - Cellular Airborne Sensor for Search and Rescue (CASSAR) Project Unique number identifier of cellular devices collected by search & rescue operators to locate individuals in emergencies. No secondary review – Closed.
2022-09-07 DND/CAF - Justice Administration & Information Management System (JAIMS) Case management system to digitize and monitor military justice files in real-time. System users include investigators, charge layers, officers, authorities, and legal advisors.

Issue: Aggregate and anonymize shared data; adequate system access and use audits; access and use safeguards; privacy breach protocol.
Reviewed and recommendations provided – Closed.
2022-08-19 DND/CAF - Casualty Identification (CasID) Program Identify deceased Canadian service member remains found in Europe and help inform the families of identified individuals of the discovery.

Reviewed and recommendations provided – Closed.
2022-08-15 DND/CAF - Canadian Armed Forces Transition Group (CAF TG) Support services for the transition from active duty to post-military life.

Reviewed and recommendations provided – Closed.
2022-08-15 DND/CAF - Defence Intelligence Entreprise ** Secret** With the OPC for secondary review.
2022-03-07 DND - Digital Recruitment Platform (DRP) Recruitment platform for applicant tracking, audio/video interviewing, and automated interviews, scheduling, reference checks and on-line skills testing.

Reviewed and recommendations provided – Closed.
2022-01-13 DND - 1974 Valcartier Grenade Incident Program Processing of claims from eligible individuals affected by the 1974 Valcartier grenade explosion. No secondary review - Closed.
2021-12-20 (redacted) (redacted)
2021-10-18 DND - Sexual Misconduct Response Centre (SMRC) - Response and Support Coordination Program Appendix to the SMRC PIA. Program to provide active CAF members who have experienced sexual misconduct with an assigned and dedicated Coordinator to offer on-going support and assistance until such time that the individual no longer requires services, withdraws consent, or transitions to civilian services. No secondary review - Closed.
2021-08-11 DND - Operational and Non-Operational Clothing and Footwear Program Collection, use, disclosure and retention of personal information by DND/CAF and its vendor(s) in supplying various clothing. No secondary review - Closed.
2020-11-06 DND - Operation HONOUR Tracking and Analysis System (OPHTAS) PIA Collect details of sexual misconduct incidents to measure trends and evaluate the effectiveness of actions taken to address these incidents.

Reviewed and recommendations provided – Closed.
2020-08-31 DND - Litigation Implementation Team (LIT): Processing of Claim Forms for Class Action Final Settlement Agreements Processing of LGBT Purge claims submitted to CAF and assessment of whether CAF records support the claims. No compensation decisions are made by LIT.

Reviewed and recommendations provided – Closed.
2020-02-21 DND - Personal Information Collection Practices of the Directorate of Access to Information and Privacy Collection, use, safeguarding, retention and disclosure of personal information in support of the Directorate of Access to Information and Privacy processes for responding to ATIP requests.

Reviewed and recommendations provided – Closed.
2019-07-31 DND - Sexual Misconduct Response Centre (SMRC) The SMRC provides confidential supportive counselling by telephone 24/7, or by email. PI collected to provide support services to individuals affected by the sexual behaviours of CAF members, produce statistics and assess performance.

Reviewed and recommendations provided – Closed.
2018-07-31 CAF - Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services - Military Family Services Program / Veterans Family Program (redacted) (redacted)
2018-03-16 DND - Sexual Assault Review Program Secondary review of investigations originally concluded to be unfounded. Committee of cross sectoral experts review existing info only.

Reviewed and recommendations provided – Closed.
2008-03-10 DND - Canadian Forces Recruiting Group Pre-Employment Reliability Screening Process Contractor performs some reliability security screening checks for applications to the CAF.

Reviewed and recommendations provided – Closed.
2006-03-16 DND - On-Line Military Career Knowledge Management System (OLMCKMS) (redacted) (redacted)
2005-07-07 DND - Military eRecruiting Project System authentications before user access to the CAF online employment application.

Reviewed and recommendations provided – Closed.
2004-09-07 DND - Canadian Forces Health Information system - Limited Capability (electronic health records) Create electronic health records for all Canadian Forces members.

Reviewed and recommendations provided – Closed.
Prepared by: GA
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