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2022-23 Departmental Results Framework (DRF) and Performance Information Profiles (PIPs) Results

Tableau 1 - 2022-23 Departmental Results
Departmental Results Framework Performance Indicators 2020-21 Actual results 2021-22 Actual results 2022-23 Targets 2022-23 Actual results
Privacy rights are respected and obligations are met. Percentage of Canadians who feel that businesses respect their privacy rights. 45% Not a survey year 90% 39%
Percentage of Canadians who feel that the federal government respects their privacy rights. 63% Not a survey year 90% 58%
Percentage of complaints responded to within service standards. 44% 47% 75% 55%
Percentage of formal OPC recommendations implemented by departments and organizations. 75% 86% 85% 86%
Canadians are empowered to exercise their privacy rights Percentage of Canadians who feel they know about their privacy rights. 64% Not a survey year 70% 51%
Percentage of key privacy issues that are the subject of information to Canadians on how to exercise their privacy rights. 30% (9/30 specified pieces of guidance done) No target set No target set No target setFootnote 1
Percentage of Canadians who read OPC information and find it useful. 74% 73% 70% 66%
Parliamentarians, and public and private sector organizations are informed and guided to protect Canadians’ privacy rights Percentage of OPC recommendations on privacy-relevant bills and studies that have been adopted. N/A N/A 60% 55%
Percentage of private sector organizations that have good or excellent knowledge of their privacy obligations. Not a survey year 86% Not a survey year Not a survey year
Percentage of key privacy issues that are the subject of guidance to organizations on how to comply with their privacy responsibilities. 30% (9/30 specified pieces of guidance done) No target set No target set No target setFootnote 2
Percentage of federal and private sector organizations that find OPC’s advice and guidance to be useful in reaching compliance. 70% 76% 70% 73%
Tableau 2 - 2022-23 Compliance Program Results
Compliance Performance Information Profiles   Performance Indicators   2020-21 Actual results 2021-22 Actual results 2022-23 Targets 2022-23 Actual results Explanation
Canadians’ complaints are resolved Percentage of investigations resolved using Early Resolution. 57% 54% At least 45% 56% Early resolution continues to be a critical part of our operations. We have exceeded our target and have seen a modest improvement of 2% in the number of complaints resolved through this process compared to the previous year.
Percentage of complaints accepted active more than 12 months. 5% 15% At most 2% 24% With the end of the temporary funding that we received in Budget 2019, our office has faced some capacity and resource challenges. Over the past year, our overall backlog of privacy complaints older than12 months has increased despite our various efforts to improve the efficiency of our compliance processes.
Increased Compliance with federal privacy legislation Percentage of investigations closed as Well-founded. 78% 80% At most 20% N/A This indicator is discontinued and will be replaced during the next review of the Departmental Results Framework.
Percentage of material privacy breaches reviewed by the OPC where the organization took appropriate measures to OPC satisfaction. 88% 96% At least 90% 89% The result is slightly below our target of 90% and lower compared to the result for the previous year (96%). Compliance with breach reporting obligations remains a challenge for federal institutions and businesses.
Tableau 3 - 2022-23 Promotion Program Results
Promotion Performance Information Profiles   Performance Indicators   2020-21 Actual results 2021-22 Actual results 2022-23 Targets 2022-23 Actual results Explanations
Canadians use resources and means to exercise their privacy rights and responsibilities Take-up of information to Canadians. 670,294 (-90,211) Decrease of 12% compared to last year 727,835 (+57,541) Increase of 8% compared to last year At least 15% increase over previous year 726,299 (-0.2%) Officially = 0 % Material published on our website, such as guidance documents, interpretation bulletins and case summaries, generated 727,835 visits in 2022–23. This result is unchanged from the previous year. The OPC will continue its efforts to promote the resources available to Canadians on its website and other social media to help them exercise their privacy rights.
Parliamentarians are more informed about privacy implications of proposed bills and government initiatives   Percentage of privacy-relevant bills and studies that proceed through the legislative process having received OPC’s views. N/A (0%) N/A (0%) At least 85% 89% This indicator measures the OPC’s responsiveness to parliamentarians’ need for advice on the privacy implications of bills and studies.The measure therefore only applies to bills and studies that were being actively studied by parliamentary committee during the year. In 2022-23, the OPC provided views and/or appeared on 8 privacy-relevant bills and studies.
Preventative actions are taken by public and private sector organizations Percentage of PIA reviews/consultations that lead to the implementation of a privacy protection measure. 69% 71% At least 90% 78% We continued to receive a large number of privacy impact assessments (110) and advisory consultation requests (73) from federal government institutions. This past year we made 91 recommendations following PIA reviews and consultations with institutions. Based on the responses we received, 78% of our recommendations were accepted. This result is consistent with results from previous years.
Percentage of private-sector organizations that have privacy compliance measures in place (CPO, privacy policy, breach response plan, etc.) Not a survey year 59% Not a survey year Not a survey year Not a survey year
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