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Royal Canadian Mounted Police response to Order Paper Question Q-566, June 23, 2022

Q-5662 — May 6, 2022 — Mr. Van Popta (Langley—Aldergrove) — With regard to government programs conducting surveillance or gathering information from Canadians through their phones or other mobile devices, including programs involving anonymized data: what are the details of these programs since January 1, 2020, including, for each, (i) the name of program, (ii) the date the program began, if it began after January 1, 2020, (iii) the description of the data being collected, (iv) the purpose of the program, (v) the description of how the data is collected, (vi) the department or agency responsible for overseeing the program, (vii) whether or not the Privacy Commissioner was consulted before the program was implemented, (viii) the concerns raised by the Privacy Commissioner, (ix) how each concern was addressed, (x) the end date of the program, (xi) the number of Canadians who had their data tracked?

NAME OF ORGANIZATION: Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)

What are the details of these programs since January 1, 2020, including, for each
(i) the name of program (vii) whether or not the Privacy Commissioner was consulted before the program was implemented (viii) the concerns raised by the Privacy Commissioner (ix) how each concern was addressed (x) the end date of the program (xi) the number of Canadians who had their data tracked
Consulted Not Consulted

Technical Investigation Services Covert Access and Intercept Team (TIS CAIT)


Footnote *

N/A given response to vii

N/A given response to vii

The CAIT program is ongoing.

ODITs and other CAIT techniques are used primarily to collect private communications and other data from mobile and other electronic devices used by suspects associated to serious criminal and national security matters. Although the data collected may reveal the geographic location of suspects or their associates, traditional techniques such as physical surveillance and standalone tracking devices are more commonly used to track criminal suspects.

Between 2018-2020, ODITs were deployed in ten (10) investigations. In every case, a judicial authorization was obtained before the ODIT was deployed.

Technical Investigations (TIS) Special “I” Program


Footnote **

Concerns have been raised by the OPC in the past however they were addressed and mitigations implemented. See the example related to cell site simulators.

Relevant policy was implemented and legal Authorizations are always used to obtain relevant information on mobile devices and communications through phones.

There is no end date for the program. There is an ongoing requirement to support criminal investigations with relevant electronic surveillance techniques in order to collect evidence, continue upholding public safety, and supporting the ability to intercept private communications pursuant to authorizations obtained under Part VI of the Criminal Code.

The Special “I” data capturing systems do not capture the requested information at the level of detail requested. As a result, the information requested cannot be obtained without an extensive manual review of its files. This manual review could not be completed within the established timeline.

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