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Corporate Committees

National Labour Management Consultation Committee

Lead: Deputy Commissioner, Corporate Management Sector

Function: Information-sharing Body


  • The purpose of the National Labour Management Consultation Committee is to provide a medium for the exchange of information between management and bargaining agents. This should enable bargaining agents to be informed of and discuss programs and working conditions with management. Proposed changes to programs or basic working conditions should be communicated to the Committee.
  • The Committee also enables bargaining agents to communicate to management their views on subjects of importance to them.
  • Such mutual consultation ensures that the views of the bargaining agents are heard and taken into consideration by management during the decision making process.
  • In addition, depending on the context or topic, ad hoc subcommittees may be established to address and discuss issues that may impact the workforce and/or the work environment.

Further reading

  • Terms of Reference
  • Minutes of Committee

IM/IT Architecture Review Board

Lead: Pier-Luc Bonneville, Manager, IM/IT Directorate

Function: Recommending Body


  • The IM/IT Architecture Review Board (the Board) provides strategic advice and support to the Executive Management Board (EMB) on issues and initiatives related to business applications and information and technology systems and solutions.
  • The Board is a forum where requests for changes to our systems are reviewed and discussed so that operational recommendations can be made to the EMB. The Board will meet whenever change requests are submitted for its consideration.
  • The purpose of the Board is to create a shared vision and ensure architectural compliance across the Office in fields related to the delivery of IM/IT solutions, including:
    • IM/IT architecture (technology, services, solutions);
    • IM/IT guidelines, principles and standards;
    • IM/IT security, services and compliance;
    • IM/IT policy and privacy, services and compliance; and
    • Applied research in information technology.
  • Board meetings occur on a monthly basis, or as needed.

Further reading

  • Terms of Reference

Contract Review Committee

Lead: Deputy Commissioner, Corporate Management Sector

Function: Recommending Body


  • The Contract Review Committee forms the foundation of the contract review process to ensure compliance to the contracting policies of both the OPC and the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, as well as the Government Contracts Regulations and Free Trade Agreements.
  • The Committee ensures that requests for goods and services are in keeping with the requirements needed in support of OPC’s mandate.
  • Membership includes the Deputy Commissioner of the Corporate Management Sector, the Deputy Chief Financial Officer, and an executive member from the Compliance and Policy and Promotion Sectors.
  • Meetings occur on a weekly basis, or as needed.

Further reading

  • Terms of reference

Events Committee

Lead: David Gamble, Executive Director, Communications

Function: Recommending Body


  • Speaking at events and conferences helps the OPC fulfills its public education mandate and helps organizations to better understand their privacy obligations.
  • The Events Committee reviews and evaluates incoming invitations for the Commissioner or other OPC representatives to deliver speeches and presentations, including participation on panels. The Committee makes recommendations on whether to accept the invitations.
  • The Committee is comprised of representatives from across the OPC, to encourage informed and collaborative decision-making and to ensure all sectors have an opportunity to offer views on invitations.

Commissioner’s role

  • The Committee reports to the Commissioner. Currently, the Commissioner has delegated certain decision-making to the Executive Director, Communications.
  • In most cases, the Executive Director, Communications, decides which speaking engagement requests to accept, based on the Committee’s recommendations.
  • In the following cases, the Committee provides a recommendation to the Commissioner for decision:
    • Requests for the Commissioner to deliver a speech;
    • Requests requiring international travel; and
    • Requests involving priority topics.

Further reading

  • Terms of Reference

Security Committee

Lead: Deputy Commissioner, Corporate Management Sector

Function: Recommending Body


  • The mandate and scope of the Security Committee are as follows:
    • Ensure the coordination, alignment and integration of security activities with departmental operations, plans, priorities and functions;
    • Support the Chief Security Officer (CSO), designated by the Deputy Head under the Policy on Government Security, in managing the departmental security program and making informed decisions on security issues;
    • Have a membership that includes key representatives from the Corporate Management Sector, as well as the Head of Legal Services and the Chief Privacy Officer (CPO), as required;
    • Hold meetings monthly, or as needed.

Commissioner’s role

  • As the employer, the Commissioner is responsible for establishing departmental security governance for security measures. The CSO will advise the Commissioner on key security and incident management issues as required.

Further reading

  • Terms of Reference
  • OPC Security Management Policy
  • Departmental Security Plan 2022-2023 to 2024-2025
  • OPC Security Screening Delegation and Authority Chart

Workplace Health and Safety Committee


  1. Bruno Prévost, Management Representative
  2. Charlotte Wong, Employee Representative

Function: Recommending Body


  • The Canada Labour Code, Part II states that every employer shall establish a Work Place Health and Safety (WPHS) Committee. Also, the Code imposes requirements in terms of duties and meeting of the committee.
  • The Committee’s purpose is to facilitate the sharing of information between management and employees on different aspects affecting the safety and health of employees.
  • The Committee is committed to fostering and ensuring a safe and psychologically healthy workplace, which also takes into account psychosocial, workplace harassment and violence risks.

Commissioner’s role

  • As the employer, the Commissioner is responsible for overseeing all aspects of workplace health and safety within the organization and for ensuring that the health and safety at work of every person employed by the OPC is protected by providing direction and leadership to the overall WPHS Program.
  • The Chair of the Committee representing the employer or the Deputy Commissioner, Corporate Management Sector briefs the Commissioner on key Committee issues as needed.

Further reading

  • Terms of Reference
  • Meeting Minutes
  • OPC Work Place Health & Safety Policy
  • OPC Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Policy

Values and Ethics Committee


  1. Brigitte Cyr, Acting Senior Official Prevention and Resolution of Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Duties Situations
  2. Chantale Roussel, Values and Ethics Champion

Function: Recommending Body


  • The Values and Ethics Committee provides guidance to the Values and Ethics Champion and the designated Senior Official with regard to prevention and resolution of conflict of interest and conflict of duties situations.
  • The Committee enables an exchange of information amongst subject matter experts, bringing together their knowledge and skills to provide effective and efficient assessment and decision-making on questions and issues related to various standards of ethical behaviour and conflict of interest and conflict of duty situations.

Commissioner’s role

  • The Commissioner is informed by the Committee of any issues that require their attention, or when the mitigation measures can have an impact on the whole OPC.
  • For regular cases, the Senior Official has the delegated authority to approve mitigation measures.

Further reading

  • The Terms of Reference are currently under revision and there is no approved version at this time.

COVID-19 Crisis Management Group

Chair: Deputy Commissioner, Corporate Management Sector

Function: Decision-Making Body


  • The COVID-19 Crisis Management Group was created at the onset of the pandemic as a temporary committee to provide a forum to address issues arising from the pandemic.
  • The topics discussed at the meetings cover all areas, including public health measures, instructions from central agencies, the return to the office, communication with employees, facilities, IT support, ergonomics, vaccination and mental health.
  • The group met on a daily basis at the beginning of the pandemic. The meeting frequency has since been reduced to weekly, as needed. The frequency of meetings and the purpose of the group are re-evaluated regularly.
  • Membership includes management representatives from impacted functional units as well as representatives from all sectors, Legal Services and the Executive Secretariat. The representative from the Policy Sector also represents the Toronto office.

Commissioner’s role

  • As Chair of the group, the Deputy Commissioner, Corporate Management Sector, briefs the Commissioner at weekly bilateral meetings and the Executive Management Board (EMB) as required.

Further reading

  • No Terms of Reference.
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