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Corporate Management Sector

Corporate Management Sector Profile

Deputy Commissioner: Richard Roulx

  • Richard Roulx joined the Office of the Privacy Commissioner on May 31, 2022, as the Deputy Commissioner, Corporate Management Sector.

Previous Deputy Commissioner: Daniel Nadeau

  • Daniel Nadeau joined the Office of the Privacy Commissioner in 2011 as as the organization’s Chief Financial Officer. Following the reorganization of 2018, he became the Deputy Commissioner, Corporate Management Sector.

Daniel Nadeau will remain as an Advisor to the Corporate Management Sector and to the Privacy Commissioner until July 2022 to ensure a smooth transition.

Executive Assistant: Vacant


  • Total FTEs: 65
    • Deputy Commissioner’s Office
      • 1 EX-03 (Deputy Commissioner)
      • 2 AS-03 (Executive Assistant)
      • 1 EC-05 (Business Intelligence Officer)
    • Sector: 61
  • Vacant FTEs:
    • Deputy Commissioner’s Office: 2
    • Sector: 5

Organizational Chart (2 levels)

Organizational Chart of Corporate Management Sector

Deputy Commissioner, Corporate Management [EX-03], Richard Roulx

  • Director, Information Management and Information Technology [EX-01], Sébastien Delisle-Côté
  • Director and Departmental Head of Human Resources [EX-01], Vacant (note: Brigitte Cyr acting)
  • Director, Business Planning, Performance, Audit and Evaluation [EX-01], Chantale Roussel
  • Director, Finance and Administration [EX-01], Robert Sabourin
  • Business Intelligence Officer and Strategic Advisor [EC-05], Anne Maloney


  • The Corporate Management Sector provides advice and integrated administrative services such as corporate planning, resource management, financial management, information management and information technology, human resources and people management and general administration to managers and staff.


  • 2022-2023 Operational Plan
  • For Fiscal Year 2022-2023, the Corporate Management Sector will be focus on the following priorities:
    • Law Reform and new obligations: Support the OPC as it prepares for the implementation of new obligations.
    • Digital Transformation: Cloud Migration, implementing a classified secret and top secret security infrastructure, and the improvement and development of tools.
    • People Management: Employment Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, Official Languages, and Human Resources Strategic Plans, and Accessibility.
    • Pandemic Operations Management and Post-Pandemic Preparedness: Operations Management, Collaborative Workplace Initiative and the Hybrid Model.

Human Resources Directorate

Acting Director: Brigitte Cyr

  • Brigitte Cyr has been Acting Director since June 9, 2022, and has been with the OPC since February 2018.


  • Total FTEs: 15
    • 1 EX-01
    • 1 AS-05
    • 1 AS-03
    • 4 AS-02
    • 3 PE-05
    • 1 PE-04
    • 2 PE-03
    • 2 PE-02
  • Vacant FTEs:
    • 1 EX-01

Organizational Chart (2 levels)

Organizational Chart of Human Resources Directorate

Director and Departmental Head of Human Resources [EX-01], Vacant (note: Brigitte Cyr acting)

  • Manager [PE-05], Brigitte Cyr
  • Manager [PE-05], Annie Couture
  • Manager [PE-05], Annie Lefebvre
  • Manager [PE-05], Nicole McIntosh


  • Provides strategic people management advice to management representatives.
  • Develops and implements people management programs, policies, directives and guidelines.
  • Performs operational HR transactions that need to be completed by HR representatives.
  • Acts as the official representative of the Deputy Head in litigation, appeals and various complaints related to people management and legal obligations in the workplace.
  • Provides full compensation services as the OPC is not serviced by the Miramichi Pay Centre.

Key Activities

Human resources and compensation systems

  • Public Service Performance Management (PSPM) Application
  • Executive Talent Management System (ETMS)
  • Phoenix pay system
  • Compensation Web Applications (CWA)
  • MyGCHR (PeopleSoft – leave request system)

On-site compensation services

  • Guidance on pay and benefits, payroll and salary adjustments (including administration of the leave system).
  • Implementation of central agency initiatives to reduce impacts on employees due to Phoenix pay system issues.

Human resources operations

  • HR planning, staffing, classification, demographic data preparation, etc.
  • Follow-up on and management of budgetary expenses centralized in HR and preparation and control of training contracts and memoranda of understanding with suppliers.
  • Training support, performance appraisals, awards and recognition program and talent and succession management.

People and workplace management

  • Provide advice and guidance in the area of labour relations.
  • Support various committees, champions and programs, such as learning and training; policy development; well-being in the workplace; equity, diversity and inclusion; accountability; and official languages.

Values and ethics, conflict of interest and post-employment

  • The designated senior manager and the champion are responsible for values, ethics and conflicts of interest. They help the OPC instill public service values and raise awareness of the importance of integrity, neutrality, impartiality and objectivity.

Equity, diversity and inclusion (EEDI) and a healthy, open and barrier-free workplace

  • Create and cultivate a diverse and inclusive workplace free of discrimination that is rewarding and open so that all employees can work to the best of their ability.
  • Provide support for various committees such as the Wellness Action Team (WAT), promote linguistic duality and EEDI and support various partnerships (with the Ombudsperson for Mental Health and Well‑Being for Small Departments and Agencies, the Office of Informal Conflict Management, the EAP, etc.) to foster a healthy and respectful workplace and thus contribute to a culture of collaboration and respect.
  • Promote mental health resources and information.


  • Human Resources Strategic Plan 2020–2023.
  • Official Languages Strategic Plan 2021–2024.
  • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan 2021–2024.
  • Preparatory work for the conversion of the Program and Administrative Services (PA) occupational group.

Finance and Administration Directorate

Director: Robert Sabourin, CPA

  • Robert Sabourin has held the position of Director of Finance and Administration since July 2019. He is the Deputy Chief Financial Officer and Deputy Chief Security Officer. He is responsible for the occupational health and safety program, procurement, asset management and accommodation management.


  • Total FTEs: 16
    • 1 EX-01
    • 2 AS-06
    • 2 AS-04
    • 1 AS-03
    • 3 AS-02
    • 2 FI-03
    • 1 FI-02
    • 3 FI-01
    • 1 PG-03
  • Vacant FTEs: 2
    • 1 FI-01
    • 1 AS-04

Organizational Chart (2 levels)

Organizational Chart Finance and Administration Directorate

Director, Finance and Administration [EX-01], Robert Sabourin

  • Manager, Accounting Operations, Policy and Systems [FI-03], Jessy Madouka
  • Manager, Financial Planning, Budgeting, Reporting and Costing [FI-03], Henri Quan
  • Manager, Administrative and Security Services [AS-06], Marc Levasseur
  • Manager, Administrative and Security Services [AS-06], Stéphane Parent (note 1: on leave) (note 2: replaced by Émilie Tremblay acting)
  • Manager, Procurement Services [PG-04], Vacant


  • The Finance and Administration Directorate is responsible for providing financial, administrative and procurement services.

Key Activities

Financial services

  • Corporate accounting operations and activities leading to audited financial statements.Footnote 1
  • Evaluation of internal controls over financial reporting, monitoring and quality assurance.
  • Management of financial reporting to central agencies, including the Main Estimates process.
  • Leading of the budget allocation processes, including tracking and reporting.
  • Provision of financial analysis, advice and costing.
  • Development of financial management directives and procedures, including training.
  • Provision of support on the Shared Travel System.

Administrative services

  • Management of the Departmental Security Program.
    • Personnel security screening.
    • Physical security – emergency preparedness.
    • Coordination of shared activities with tenants at 30 Victoria Street.
  • Management of the Occupational Health and Safety Program and the resource unit for occupational health and safety.
  • Management of facilities in the NCR and Toronto and accommodation projects.
  • Management of materiel and safeguarding of assets.
  • Development of administrative policies, directives and procedures.

Procurement services

  • Service as an expert resource for the Contract Review Committee.
  • Management of goods and services procurement.
  • Drafting of procurement policies, directives and procedures.
  • Production of external reports (annual report on awarded contracts and proactive disclosure).
  • Development of procurement strategies and plans.


  • Continue the collaborative workplace initiative and the transition to the hybrid work model.
  • Support implementation of the legislative reform:
    • Needs assessment in relation to legislative reforms.
    • Treasury Board Submission (Extension Order).
  • Implement adequate security infrastructure.
  • Implement the Departmental Security Plan.
  • Implement recommendations on the assessment of entity-level controls.

Information Management & Information Technology Directorate

Director: Sébastien Delisle-Côté

  • Sébastien Delisle-Côté has held the position of Chief Information Officer since August 2018. He is responsible for IT, information and data management. He is also the designated official responsible for cyber security management.


  • Total FTEs: 23
    • 1 EX-01
    • 1 AS-06
    • 3 AS-04
    • 2 AS-03
    • 1 AS-02
    • 2 AS-01
    • 2 IT-04
    • 5 IT-03
    • 5 IT-02
    • 1 IT-01
  • Vacant FTEs:
    • 0 vacancies

Organizational Chart (2 levels)

Organizational Chart of Information Management & Information Technology Directorate

Director, Information Management and Information Technology [EX-01], Sébastien Delisle-Côté

  • Manager, Business Analysis, Systems Management and Support [IT-04], Pier-Luc Bonneville
  • Manager, Information Technology Operations, Architecture and Infrastructure [IT-04], Paul Godard
  • Manager, Information Management Programs and Services [AS-06], Thibault Lacroix


  • Responsible for providing information management, information technology application development and information technology operations services.

Key Activities

Information Management Service

  • Records Room: Mail services, digitizing of incoming correspondence, paper records management (filing, disposition, TEMPEST room). Responsible for liaising with Library and Archives Canada.
  • Management of electronic documents: Supervision of all matters related to the Electronic Documents and Records Management System (EDRMS) (training, troubleshooting, taxonomy, access permissions, etc.).
  • Knowledge management: Responsible for the training and awareness program for all collaboration tools; information architecture development and management; and data management and governance.

Information technology application development services

    • Design and delivery of client-centred online services.
    • Development of information technology systems/applications to support the delivery of OPC programs and services.
    • Collection and analysis of operational needs.
    • Server administration and support:
      • EDRMS.
      • Collaborative environment.
      • Case management system.
      • Internal and external websites (web content management systems).
  • Database administration.
  • Management of IT licences.

Information technology operation services

  • Provision of support to users (help desk) both at OPC headquarters and in Toronto regional office.
  • Provision of IT tools and usage support.
  • Maintenance of physical server infrastructure and performance of necessary maintenance.
  • Performance of monthly and periodic security patches.
  • IT security management and continuous threat monitoring.
  • Provision and management of email services for OPC staff.
  • Administration of the cloud platform.
  • Management of IT architecture.
  • Management of the computer network.


  • OPC cloud migration as of FY 2022–2023.
  • Upgrading of the servers and storage solution, scheduled for December 2022.
  • Implementation of Canada’s Top Secret Network (CTSN) and the Government of Canada Secret Network.

Business Planning, Performance, Audit & Evaluation Directorate

Director: Chantale Roussel

  • Chantale Roussel has led the BPPAED since October 2011. She is also the OPC’s Head of Evaluation, Head of Performance Measurement and the designated official responsible for leading the departmental service management function.
  • She is also the OPC’s Champion/Senior Official for Values and Ethics, since 2019.


  • Total FTEs: 3
    • 1 EX-01
    • 1 AS-06
    • 1 AS-05
  • Vacant FTEs:
    • 1 AS-05

Organizational Chart (2 levels)

Organizational Chart of Business Planning, Performance, Audit & Evaluation Directorate

Director, Business Planning, Performance, Audit and Evaluation [EX-01], Chantale Roussel

  • Senior Analyst [AS-06], Sophie Roy


  • The Business Planning, Performance, Audit & Evaluation Directorate is responsible for the provision of strategic and operational planning, performance measurement and reporting services at the organizational level, as well as the management of the internal audit and program evaluation functions, and the promotion of sound management practices.

Key Activities

Strategic and operational planning, performance measurement and reporting

  • Promote and facilitate integrated planning and reporting at the organizational level; work with management to identify risks and risk responses, and monitor throughout the year; ensure implementation of plans to achieve results; oversee and provide advice to management on the implement the Office’s results framework; and, lead drafting of accountability reports; develop Federal Budget submissions and Treasury Board Submissions and manage the interface between the OPC and central agencies.

Audit, evaluation and management practices

  • Support the Chief Audit Executive in the management of the internal audit function; plan and lead risk-based audit engagements; provide advice and secretarial support to the OPC’s independent Audit Committee.
  • Manage the evaluation function; plan and lead risk-based evaluations; provide advice on data collection and development of evaluation tools.
  • Conduct biennial assessments of the OPC’s management practices against the Treasury Board’s Management Accountability Framework and work with management to address noted gaps.


  • Support the implementation of law reform by providing input to law reform costing exercises; drafting Treasury Board submission(s) to secure funding and liaise with Central Agencies; and managing the interface and strategically positioning the organization with external partners and central agencies to secure funding)
  • Continually monitor the OPC’s operating context and key corporate risks in light of the many transitions and uncertainties facing the organization in the coming year, including more frequent updates of the Corporate Risk Profile and reviews of operational plans as required.
  • Complete audit engagements that will assist the OPC in its implementation of a business intelligence (BI) function, including the Information Management Audit, and the BI advisory project.
  • Promote sound management practices by undertaking the biennial self-assessment against the Treasury Board’s Management Accountability Framework and working with management to address noted gaps.
  • Develop the OPC’s first Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS) in line with the goals outlined in the Government of Canada’s 2022 to 2026 Federal Sustainable Development Strategy.
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