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Things to know as a Governor in Council appointee and as an employee


Compensation and Pension

  • Under subsection 54(2) of the Privacy Act, the Privacy Commissioner shall be paid a salary equal to the salary of a judge of the Federal Court, other than the Chief Justice, and is entitled to be paid reasonable travel and living expenses incurred in the performance of duties under this Act or any other Act of Parliament.
  • The Commissioner’s salary is therefore determined based on the salary scale for judges, which was last adjusted on April 1, 2022. As the Commissioner is hired by the Privy Council Office, the Office will provide all information concerning the Commissioner’s appointment.


  • Governor in Council appointees may be awarded different types of leave during the period of their appointments (see section 6 of the Terms and Conditions).
  • Leave must be authorized by the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) as per section 6.8:
    • Paid annual leave (based on years of service)
    • Personal leave (2 days)
    • Paid sick leave (15 days)
    • Family‑related leave (5 days)
    • Special leave with pay (discretionary) for excessive hours (up to 5 days)
    • Other

Insurance and Other Benefits

  • Most Governor in Council appointees are eligible for participation in public service insurance plans (see section 7 of the Terms and Conditions).

Current Practices at the OPC

  • The Privacy Commissioner serves as the OPC’s deputy head and has central agency management responsibilities.
  • The CFO is responsible for authorizing the Commissioner’s leave requests and expense claims.
  • In the interest of transparency, travel and hospitality expenses must be published on the OPC’s website (Disclosure of Travel and Hospitality Expenses).

Further reading


Prepared by: Human Resources Directorate and the Executive Secretariat

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