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Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Overview | Reports

2014-2015 - 1st Quarter

Please select the Recipient Name for details.

Recipient Name Location Date Value
MediaSmarts Ottawa, Ontario 2014-04-29 $ 27,461.20
BC Freedom of Information and Privacy Association Vancouver, British Columbia 2014-04-30 $ 50,000.00
University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario 2014-05-07 $ 49,530.50
McGill University Montreal, Quebec 2014-05-28 $ 50,000.00
McGill University Montreal, Quebec 2014-05-28 $ 50,000.00
Consumers' Association of Canada (Manitoba) Winnipeg, Manitoba 2014-05-30 $ 49,500.00
Mozilla Foundation Toronto, Ontario 2014-06-27 $ 50,000.00
York University Toronto, Ontario 2014-06-27 $ 50,000.00
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