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Disclosure of Contracts Over $10,000

Overview | Reports

2014-2015 - 2nd Quarter

Please select the vendor name for contract details.

Date Vendor Name Description Value
2014-04-08 MARSWorks Inc. 0812 - Computer Services (includes IT solutions / deliverables as well as IT Managed Services) $17,063.00
2014-04-09 Calamai Associates 0351 - Communications professional Services not Elsewhere Specified $24,949.58
2014-05-13 Sandra Maisonneuve 0499 - Other Professional Services not Elsewhere Specified $24,948.00
2014-06-17 Apostrophe 0494 - Translation Services $74,733.75
2014-07-16 SHI Canada Ltd 0582 - License/Maintenance fees for Client Software related to Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) $10,678.88
2014-07-18 Itex Enterprise Solutions 0582 - License/Maintenance fees for Client Software related to Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) $27,403.14
2014-07-21 Wild Cards Advertising Inc. 0351 - Communications professional Services not Elsewhere Specified $20,792.00
2014-07-24 Breckenhill Inc. 0812 - Computer Services (includes IT solutions / deliverables as well as IT Managed Services) $16,125.24
2014-07-25 Neo Insight Inc. 0812 - Computer Services (includes IT solutions / deliverables as well as IT Managed Services) $24,765.00
2014-07-25 Gilles Gaignery 0447 - Tuition Fees and Costs of Attending Courses Including Seminars not Elsewhere Specified $12,101.12
2014-07-31 Itex Enterprise Solutions 0582 - License/Maintenance fees for Client Software related to Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) $13,040.46
2014-08-25 Teresa Scassa 0491 - Management Consulting $17,246.25
2014-08-29 Delta Printing 0321 - Printing Services $11,300.00
2014-09-09 Lise Labelle 0491 - Management Consulting $24,834.60
2014-09-15 Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc. 0341 - Communications Research Services $45,291.55
2014-09-16 Itex Enterprise Solutions 0585 - License/maintenance fees for networking software $16,603.46
2014-09-19 Breckenhill Inc. 0499 - Other Professional Services not Elsewhere Specified $34,080.80
2014-09-29 Tobi Cohen 0351 - Communications professional Services not Elsewhere Specified $24,696.15
2014-09-29 Gimbal Canada 0499 - Other Professional Services not Elsewhere Specified $22,995.00
* Please note that 3 contracts with Public Works and Governmental Services Canada (PWGSC) were removed from the previous report since they were already published by the initiator department (PWGSC).

Economic Object (ECON OBJ) codes

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