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OPC submission on Alberta’s review of the Personal Information Protection Act

June 28, 2024

Privacy Commissioner of Canada Philippe Dufresne has provided feedback to the Alberta Legislative Assembly’s Standing Committee on Resource Stewardship on its review of the Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA).

In his submission, Commissioner Dufresne discussed how the interoperability of privacy laws, both domestically and internationally, benefits individuals and organizations. Commissioner Dufresne also highlighted how his Office (the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada) works closely with counterparts in Alberta, British Columbia, and Quebec, where the provincial law is deemed to be substantially similar to the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), on activities such as joint investigations and guidance for organizations.

He also discussed his recommendations to further improve Bill C-27, the Digital Charter Implementation Act, 2022, to better protect the privacy of Canadians while supporting Canada’s innovation and competitiveness.

“Interoperability of privacy laws is essential to fostering Canadians’ trust that their personal information will be treated in a manner that respects our fundamental rights, no matter where their data resides or is transferred,” said Commissioner Dufresne.


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