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G7 data protection and privacy authorities issue a joint statement on generative AI following discussion on emerging technologies

June 22, 2023

Privacy Commissioner of Canada Philippe Dufresne met with his G7 counterparts in Tokyo on June 21 for the third meeting of the G7 Data Protection and Privacy Authorities Roundtable, where they discussed global privacy issues related to emerging technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI), as well as Data Free Flow with Trust, and enforcement cooperation.

The G7 data protection and privacy authorities issued a joint statement on generative AI – technologies that can be used to create new content – in light of their increased adoption across various domains.

Noting growing concerns that generative AI will create risks for privacy and other fundamental human rights, the regulators called on developers and providers of generative AI technologies to embed privacy in the design, conception, operation, and management of these new products and services.

“As regulators, we believe in finding productive solutions to challenging privacy issues, particularly those raised by new and emerging technologies,” says Commissioner Dufresne, who has identified emerging technologies as one of the key priorities for his Office.

“Drawing close communication between data protection and privacy authorities and companies at the design stage would mitigate or even eliminate some of the privacy risks posed by aspects of AI and ensure that individuals’ fundamental privacy rights are protected. This would help to enable and advance innovation in a direction that promotes fundamental privacy rights.”

Commissioner Dufresne with other G7 data protection commissioners and privacy authorities in Tokyo.
G7 data protection and privacy authorities in Tokyo on June 21 for the third meeting of the G7 Data Protection and Privacy Authorities Roundtable.

The Commissioners continued to discuss the theme of Data Free Flow with Trust, which had been a key issue at previous meetings. Data Free Flow with Trust is one of three pillars identified by the G7 data protection and privacy authorities as important areas for the group’s focus, along with emerging technologies and enforcement cooperation. They have established working groups for each pillar to facilitate discussions and develop tangible outcomes, and have released an action plan setting out the next steps to support that work.

As Chair of the Roundtable’s Emerging Technologies Working Group, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada has led the work in this area, specifically on de-identification and anonymization. At the Tokyo meeting, Commissioner Dufresne reported on the work of the Emerging Technologies Working Group, and participated in a panel discussion on privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs) and AI.

In their communiqué, the G7 authorities reaffirmed their commitment to protecting the rights and interests of individuals through ensuring a high level of data protection and privacy, while recognizing the economic and social value personal data has in today’s digital environment.

Communiqué: G7 Data Protection and Privacy Authorities

Statement on Generative AI

G7 Data Protection and Privacy Authorities’ Action Plan

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