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May 29, 2023

OPC launches new guidance on workplace privacy

The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) has published new guidance on workplace privacy for employers that are subject to federal privacy legislation.

“Creating a workplace culture where employees’ privacy is respected is good for business,” says Philippe Dufresne, Privacy Commissioner of Canada. “It builds morale and mutual trust when employees feel that their privacy is valued.”

In order to create that culture, employers need to be aware of how the Privacy Act (for federal government institutions) and the Personal Information and Protection of Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) (for businesses governed by federal legislation) apply to them, and should ensure that employees know their rights under those laws.

In addition to material contained in the previous guidance published by the OPC, the guidance outlines key privacy considerations for employers managing employees’ personal information, and discusses topical issues such as the monitoring of employees.

The guidance also offers practical tips for things that employers can build into their privacy policies and procedures regardless of whether they are governed by federal or provincial privacy laws.

Privacy in the Workplace

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