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G7 data protection and privacy authorities meet to discuss challenges of regulating in an increasingly digital world

September 17, 2021

The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada met with data protection and privacy authorities from G7 countries, as well as guests from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the World Economic Forum (WEF), earlier this month for a discussion about emerging data protection challenges and the need for closer international collaboration.

During the roundtable, the G7 data protection and privacy authorities agreed to strengthen collaboration, play a leadership role in discussions pertaining to digital issues and help influence the adoption of higher standards for data protection around the world.

Some of the topics discussed included designing artificial intelligence in line with data protection, pandemic-driven tech innovation and cross-border data flows.

The meeting highlighted the benefits of collaboration as each regulator continues to grapple with the ever-increasing challenges of regulating a data economy which transcends borders. Discussions centered around issues highlighted in the Roadmap for Cooperation on Data Free Flow with Trust, first announced by G7 Digital and Technology Ministers in April. That roadmap called for the leaders of the world’s most advanced digital economies to “place the needs of open, democratic societies at the centre of the technology debate and to work together towards a trusted, values-driven digital ecosystem” that enhances prosperity in a “sustainable, inclusive and human-centric” way.

For further details, see the Communiqué.

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