Completed Contributions Program projects
The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada’s (OPC) Contributions Program funds independent research and related knowledge translation projects to generate approaches and information about privacy in Canada. These projects not only advance the collective knowledge on privacy, they provide real, tangible research results that Canadians can use to make smart decisions about privacy protection in their own lives and that businesses and federal institutions can apply in practice to enhance compliance with their privacy obligations.
Start here to begin exploring the innovative and socially relevant independent research the OPC has supported through its Contributions Program. You can also view a list of the funded projects underway for the current cycle.
Protecting victims’ privacy to prevent spousal homicide
Organization: Centre de documentation sur l’éducation des adultes et la condition féminine [adult education and status of women documentation centre] (CDEACF)
Project Leader: Lise Chovino
A Pan-Canadian Descriptive Study of Privacy Risks from Synthetic Data-Generation Practices within the Evolving Canadian Legislative Landscape
Organization: Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) Research Institute
Project Leader: Khaled El Emam
Understanding and protecting your online privacy
Organization: Association des juristes d’expression française de l’Ontario (AJEFO)
Project Leader: Edith Pérusse McCallum
Privacy Design Landscape for Central Bank Digital Currency
Organization: Concordia University
Project Leader: Jeremy Clark
Deeper Learning? Marketing, Personal Data and Privacy after Surveillance Capitalism
Organization: Queen’s University
Project Leaders: David Murakami Wood and Stephen Thomas
Online exam proctoring software during the pandemic: The quest to minimize student privacy risks
Organization: University of Ottawa
Project Leader: Céline Castets-Renard
#ForYou: A Game about Artificial Intelligence and Privacy
Organization: MediaSmarts
Project Leader: Kathryn Ann Hill
Commercial Virtual Healthcare Services in Canada: Digital Trails, De-identified Data and Privacy Implications
Organization: Women’s College Hospital
Project Leader: Sheryl Spithoff
Privacy for Wellness Wearables: Emerging Trends and Power Dynamics in a Grey Area
Organization: Canadian Standards Association (CSA Group)
Project Leader: Tania Donovska
Privacy Report Card for Online Solutions Targeting Seniors
Organization: Concordia University
Project Leaders: Mohammad Mannan and Amr Youssef
Showing items 21 through 30 of 203.
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