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Another point of view on data retention

Stepping away from the privacy advocate’s point of view, I point you to a blog post by Patricia Seybold. She discusses, at length, how Google and other search engines are dealing with questions about privacy and data retention. Importantly, she provides us all with a clear explanation of what data she expects to be retained from her online activities, and what she expects can be done with that data:

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Back to the Future – 2020

Can you imagine your world 13 years from now without surveillance? Well, Robert Gellman certainly can’t and he’s come up with eight “fanciful” but somewhat apocalyptic musings about how watched the average citizen might become. Here’s an abridged version of his list:

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Surveys shed light on online behaviour by youth

There is some perception among teachers, parents and privacy advocates that online users of social networks – particularly young users – may not be taking the steps necessary to protect their personal information and their online identity. Two recent studies have shed some light, and some details, on the online behaviour of pre-teens and teens online.

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Showing items 151 through 158 of 158.

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