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2024: Deceptive Design patterns Sweep

The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada participated in the 2024 Global Privacy Enforcement Network (GPEN) International Privacy Sweep along with 25 other privacy enforcement authorities from across Canada and around the world. The Sweep focused on deceptive design practices used by websites and mobile apps to influence individuals into giving away more of their personal information online.

On this page, you will find links to information about the OPC’s participation in the 2024 Sweep.


Office of the Privacy Commissioner Sweep Report 2024: Deceptive Design Patterns

GPEN Sweep 2024: “Deceptive Design Patterns” Report

News Release

Privacy Sweep finds majority of apps and websites use deceptive design to influence privacy choices, including sites targeting children


Video of Commissioner Dufresne on deceptive design sweep

Beware of deceptive design: Tips for individuals when navigating websites and mobile apps

Design with privacy in mind: Five business best practices to avoid deceptive design



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