International privacy networks
The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) collaborates with international privacy protection organizations to address global privacy issues. Learn more about these groups and our work to advance privacy standards internationally:
- Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities (APPA) Forum
- Association francophone des autorités de protection des données personnelles (AFAPDP)
- G7 Data Protection and Privacy Authorities
- Global Cross-Border Privacy Rules (CBPR) Forum / Global Cooperation Arrangement for Privacy Enforcement (CAPE)
- Global Privacy Assembly
- Global Privacy Enforcement Network (GPEN)
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Working Party on Data Governance and Privacy
Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities (APPA) Forum
The OPC is a member of the APPA forum, which is made up of data protection and privacy authorities in the Asia-Pacific region. APPA holds two annual meetings for members to exchange ideas and best practices about privacy regulation, new technologies, and raising public awareness of privacy issues.
Further reading
- Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities Forum website (English only)
- November 2024 – Commissioner Dufresne concludes participation at the 62nd Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities Forum
- June 2024 – Privacy Commissioner meets with Asia-Pacific counterparts
Association francophone des autorités de protection des données personnelles (AFAPDP)
In 2007, the OPC was instrumental in the creation of the AFAPDP, an organization now representing dozens of francophone data protection authorities from around the world.
The AFAPDP’s activities have developed around three pillars: the promotion of personal data protection, capacity building for its members, and the promotion of French-speaking vision and expertise internationally.
The OPC participates in annual meetings and workshops organized by the AFAPDP.
Further reading
- Association francophone des autorités de protection des données personnelles website (French only)
G7 Data Protection and Privacy Authorities
The G7 Data Protection and Privacy Authorities Roundtable allows data protection and privacy authorities from G7 countries to identify areas of mutual concern or opportunity and respond with agility to ongoing developments. The Roundtable presents an opportunity for the OPC to join voices with authorities representing the most advanced digital economies in order to have a greater impact and influence on policymakers.
The inaugural meeting was held on September 7-8, 2021, hosted by the United Kingdom’s Information Commissioner. The G7 Authorities Roundtable is held annually, hosted by the authority whose country holds the G7 Presidency.
The OPC works with its G7 counterparts to further the outcomes envisaged in their annual workplans and statements.
Further reading
- October 2024 – Privacy Commissioner meets with G7 counterparts to advance global leadership on privacy protection
- June 2023 – G7 data protection and privacy authorities issue a joint statement on generative AI following discussion on emerging technologies
- September 2022 – G7 data protection and privacy authorities discuss data protection and the flow of data across borders
- September 2021 – G7 data protection and privacy authorities meet to discuss challenges of regulating in an increasingly digital world
Global Cross-Border Privacy Rules (CBPR) Forum / Global Cooperation Arrangement for Privacy Enforcement (CAPE)
The OPC joined the Global CAPE in January 2024, to support privacy enforcement collaboration on a global scale. The Global CAPE is a voluntary, non-binding arrangement that allows participants to cooperate in cross-border data protection and privacy enforcement.
The OPC’s participation in the Global CAPE is a requirement for the Government of Canada’s membership in the Global Cross-Border Privacy Rules Forum (Global CBPR), which it signed on to in April 2022, along with Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Singapore, Chinese Taipei, and the United States. Other countries have since joined. The Department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) is Canada’s delegate to the Global CBPR.
Further reading
- Global Cross-Border Privacy Rules Forum website (English only)
- April 2024 – CAPE Summary Statement
- April 2024 – OPC joins international privacy enforcement group
- April 2024 – Global CBPR Forum Announces the Establishment of the Global CBPR and Global PRP Systems and Welcomes New Global CAPE Participants (English only)
Global Privacy Assembly
The Global Privacy Assembly (GPA) provides leadership at the international level by connecting more than 110 privacy and data protection authorities from around the world.
The OPC is an active participant in the GPA, providing leadership and expertise in several of its working groups and yearly resolutions.
The GPA website (primarily in English) provides a repository of adopted resolutions and declarations and communiques, and information about the GPA’s past and current activities and future plans.
Further reading
- Global Privacy Assembly website
- Resolutions adopted by the GPA
- Declarations and communiques released by the GPA
- OPC news releases and announcement related to the GPA
Global Privacy Enforcement Network (GPEN)
GPEN is a network for privacy enforcement authorities to share knowledge, experience and best practices on the practical aspects of privacy enforcement and cooperation.
Currently, GPEN is comprised of approximately 75 privacy enforcement authorities from 54 countries and six different partner networks. One of GPEN’s key strengths is its emphasis on building working-level relationships.
The OPC is a founding member of GPEN and plays a key leadership role in the organization. It has been a member of GPEN’s Management Committee since 2013. The OPC is also responsible for maintaining and hosting the GPEN website, which members use to exchange ideas and non-confidential documents. As well, the OPC leads or participates in coordinating various GPEN activities including its annual privacy sweep whereby participating privacy enforcement authorities conduct an internet-based search in a coordinated compliance activity to assess privacy practices of organizations in relation to a predetermined theme.
The GPEN Privacy Sweep
Annual privacy sweep initiative aimed at increasing awareness of privacy rights and responsibilities, encouraging compliance with privacy legislation and enhancing co-operation between international privacy enforcement authorities.
See reports from past privacy sweeps
Further reading
- Global Privacy Enforcement Network website (English only)
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Working Party on Data Governance and Privacy
The Department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) is the Government of Canada delegate at the OECD DGP. The OPC participates in meetings of the OECD DGP as part of the Canadian delegation. At ISED’s request, the OPC reviews and shares its privacy expertise on OECD materials.
The OPC leverages its participation in the OECD DGP to provide the Government of Canada with privacy advice with the goal of influencing the scope and direction of OECD privacy related initiatives, and fostering interoperability.
Further reading
- OECD DGP website
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