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History and membership

Since 2021, the G7 Data Protection and Privacy Authorities Roundtable G7 Roundtable (G7 DPA Roundtable) has convened once a year to collaborate on areas of mutual concern and to improve privacy and data protection standards in the context of a rapidly changing digital landscape.

In attendance


2025 G7 DPA Roundtable — Canada

The 2025 G7 DPA Roundtable, hosted by Philippe Dufresne, Privacy Commissioner of Canada, will be the fifth roundtable gathering of G7 Data Protection and Privacy Authorities. The Roundtable will take place in Canada’s National Capital Region in 2025.

2024 G7 DPA Roundtable — Italy

The 2024 G7 DPA Roundtable was hosted by the Garante per la protezione dei dati personali (the Italian Data Protection Authority) in October 2024. G7 data protection and privacy authorities agreed that, as many AI technologies such as generative AI, are based on the processing of personal data, the need to protect privacy is “more critical than ever.”


The G7 Data Protection and Privacy Authorities met on October 10 and 11, 2024, in a Roundtable meeting in Rome, Italy, hosted by the Garante per la protezione dei dati personali (the Italian Data Protection Authority).

2023 G7 DPA Roundtable — Japan

The 2023 G7 DPA Roundtable was hosted by the Personal Information Protection Commission of Japan in June of 2023. Discussions focused on the development of the concept of Data Free Flow with Trust and its future operationalization, the enhancement of enforcement cooperation and the challenges of generative AI technologies from a data protection and privacy perspective.


G7 data protection and privacy authorities in Tokyo on June 21 for the third meeting of the G7 Data Protection and Privacy Authorities Roundtable.

2022 G7 DPA Roundtable — Germany

The 2022 G7 DPA Roundtable was hosted by the German Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (BfDI) in September of 2022. Discussions focused on developments in the regulatory and technology landscape, on cross-border data flows and the prospects for international data spaces as an emerging approach to trusted and voluntary data sharing within and across organizations and sectors.


Commissioner Dufresne with other G7 data protection commissioners and privacy authorities in Bonn, Germany.

2021 G7 DPA Roundtable – United Kingdom

The first G7 DPA Roundtable was hosted by the United Kingdom’s Information Commissioner’s Office (virtually) in September 2021. During the Roundtable, the G7 DPAs sought to strengthen collaboration, and recognized that it could play a leadership role in discussions pertaining to global digital issues and help influence the adoption of higher standards for data protection around the world.


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