Consultation on online reputation
The call to provide feedback for the online reputation consultation is now closed.
In January 2016, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) launched a consultation and call for essays on the issue of online reputation.
Through this consultation, the OPC is soliciting input about new and innovative ways to protect reputational privacy. The goal is to enrich the public debate and ensure that OPC is in a better position to inform Parliament of a variety of solutions for addressing issues related to online reputation and to develop a policy position on this issue.
The consultation is part of the Office’s work on the issue of Reputation and Privacy, which was identified one of the OPC’s four strategic privacy priorities.
Explore the links on this page to learn more about the OPC’s consultation on online reputation.
What we are doing now
On January 26, 2018, we released our draft Position Paper on Online Reputation. We have had discussions with our provincial colleagues and will continue to work with them. In the meantime, we are inviting feedback on this draft position paper before finalizing it.
Background on our consultation on online reputation
Where we started
In January 2016, we published a discussion paper and asked interested parties for their comments.
- Notice of consultation on online reputation
- Discussion paper: Online Reputation - What are they saying about me?
What we heard
We received 28 written submissions in response to the paper from industry, academics, civil society, lawyers and the general public. The submissions presented a broad range of proposals for protecting reputational privacy from de-indexing, to standardized takedown request forms and procedures, to enhanced powers for the OPC.
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