Social Smarts: Privacy, the Internet and you

Canadian kids are digitally savvy and they value their privacy, but they can also be unsuspecting about the potential privacy risks of new digital communications technologies.
The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada has created a graphic novel, Social Smarts: Privacy, the Internet and You, to help young Canadians to better understand and navigate privacy issues in the online world.
The 12-page graphic novel– is designed to appeal to tweens and younger teens.
Developed with feedback from young people, it tells the story of a brother and sister who learn (sometimes the hard way) about the privacy risks related to social networking, mobile devices and texting, and online gaming.
To accompany the graphic novel, we have also developed a discussion guide that educators can use to generate further discussion and learning.
The graphic novel includes detailed black and white illustrations so it can be easily reproduced by educators and parents. However, you can also request copies of Social Smarts for your library or classroom by emailing us at
Social Smarts graphic novel (PDF version)
Access a PDF version of this graphic novel about privacy issues related to social networking, mobile devices, texting and online gaming. It can be printed or photocopied for classroom use.
Social Smarts graphic novel (text only version)
Access a text-only version of this graphic novel about privacy issues related to social networking, mobile devices, texting and online gaming.
Social Smarts discussion guide
Graphic novel discussion guide
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