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Speaking Notes for Grades 7 and 8 Presentation/Secondary I and II

Protecting your online reputation

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What we’re talking about today

  • In this presentation, we’ll talk about the personal information that each of us shares online through e-mail, text, social networking channels, pictures, and video uploads.
  • There is no doubt that communicating online is a great way to stay in touch with friends and family. Canadian youth are communicating online more than ever before.
  • While there are benefits to online communication, there are also potential privacy risks. It’s important to protect your personal information whenever you’re online.
  • In this presentation, we will discuss the potential impact that some online activity can have on your reputation, and show you how to control the risks. This includes being cautious about the type of information you share, and being selective about the people you decide to share it with.
  • The goal of this presentation is to help you to on manage your personal information online.

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Quick as a Flash

  • How many of you have a smartphone and use at least one social media network?
  • You probably know how easy it is to snap a photo, add a comment, and post it online.
  • It can be nearly impossible to permanently delete a photo or comment once it’s posted.
  • That’s why it’s so important to think before you click. Always reflect on what you are posting and why you are posting it. Is it appropriate? Is it true?

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Shaping your Online Reputation

  • All of us spend time shaping the way we project ourselves to the world. We are conscious of how others see us, and usually have an idea about how we want to be seen. We can refer to this as our physical or ‘real-world’ reputation.
  • Having an online profile (a place to share photos, videos and post comments) can be an extension of our real-world reputation. Just as we manage our image and reputation in “real-life”, we must also manage our image and reputation online.
  • Your online rep follows you wherever you go. Have you ever looked up someone online before you met them? Because of social networks, someone else can look you up online and make assumptions about you (positive or negative) before you ever meet in-person.

Optional Extras for Discussion - Creeping

Do you know what the term “creeping” means?

This is when somebody who is not on your “friends” list looks at your online content. The trouble with creeping is that people can look at you and make assumptions, even if they don’t know you. Worst of all, you have no idea they’re doing it! You can limit the negative effects of creeping by adjusting your privacy settings to make your information less public, and by limiting the information that you post online.


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  • There are lots of benefits to communicating online, like staying in touch with friends and family, discovering new music and even developing a new interest, skill, or talent. For example, how many of you have learned how to do something new because you watched a YouTube video?
  • No matter what we are doing online, it’s always important to be aware of who is watching, and take the right steps to protect our privacy.

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Make your Online Reputation Work for You

  • Your online identity influences how people see you, so it’s important to be thoughtful of the image you’re projecting to your networks. Avoid posting content that isn’t reflective of who you are.
  • Reversing misinterpretations can be difficult as you may not be aware that any damage was done in the first place. Consider how others will view your social posts to avoid misunderstandings, and damage to your reputation.


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  • There are certainly risks in communicating online.
  • Managing and protecting your privacy online requires you to make conscious choices about the information you post, and how much of it you want to share with others.
  • You can take steps to minimize the risks, control what people see about you and safeguard your privacy.

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Fact #1: What you post on the Internet is not always private

  • How often do you read the privacy policies that pop up when you download a new app? If you don’t, you might be surprised to discover that the stuff you post on some of your favourite social sites is not private at all.
  • Even if you restrict your privacy settings, some social networking sites do not guarantee that only your friends and online contacts will see your personal information.
  • Any content that you post or send in an email can be copied, pasted and transmitted anywhere else on the Internet. Be aware that your information can be saved onto hard drives, printed, or e-mailed to anyone else. It’s important to think carefully about what you post, email and upload, because there is no guarantee it will stay private.

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Think before you click!

  • Before you accept the Terms and Conditions of any social network, website or app, read the fine print carefully to ensure you are comfortable with the potential outcomes of your choice. For example, by accepting are you giving permission for an app to access the photos or contact list on your mobile device? Consider asking your parents for help.
  • Think of the words “public” and “permanent.”
  • Once you post something online, it can be spread around to any number of people, without you knowing it.
  • And, even if you delete it, there is no guarantee that it’s gone. There could be another copy that may resurface in the future.

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Think before you click!

  • It’s important to be careful with information concerning your friends. If you snap a photo of others, always ask them if it’s OK to post before it goes up. As we talked about earlier, removal of an online photo can be impossible to guarantee.
  • Be responsible when posting pictures that involve other people. Judge if it’s appropriate, or if there are any potential negative consequences.

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Set and Restrict your Privacy Settings

  • Most social networking sites have customizable privacy settings that allow you to control who sees what you post. You can restrict your profile content to specific groups and individuals, as opposed to it being viewable by anyone.
  • You should revisit your settings every so often to be sure the setting options have not changed by the website or app.
  • Remember that whatever control you have, it’s only at the front end. If a friend copies your picture and sends it around to other people, the damage may have already been done.

Optional Extras for Discussion – Privacy Settings

Pretend there’s a technical glitch and suddenly your privacy settings are wide open for a whole day. Anyone can see your online profile—your parents, your teachers, or your coach. How would you feel? What would you do?

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Fact #2: It’s important to know who your friends are

  • A ‘friend of a friend’ of a real-life friend is really just a stranger.
  • Think about the word ‘friend’ and what it really means. Friends are people you know well, trust and respect. Many people will add anyone to their online friends list, even people they’ve never met.
  • When you post something online, you might only be considering the reactions of your closest circle of friends. It’s easy to forget about the wider group of strangers and acquaintances you’ve permitted to view your online photos, personal comments, location, and list of friends. That’s a goldmine of information to someone who’s just a stranger!

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Note to presenter:

A note about the slides on sexting (slide 16 and 17)

We’ve included two slides on the issue of sexting in this presentation because it’s a topic we’re often asked about, when it comes to the privacy implications. Here, sexting is defined as “sending sexually explicit photographs or messages online, typically by a mobile device,” and discusses the consequences of such actions. Another slide talks about what to do about it, and specifically advises the audience not to do it. That said, before making use of this presentation in full, we recommend that you consider whether the topic is appropriate for your specific audience. If you feel that it is not appropriate, we encourage you to simply remove these slides from both the PowerPoint presentation and the speaking notes. We can also make this change to the presentation and send it to you, upon request to:


  • Sending sexually explicit photographs or messages online, typically on a mobile device is considered to be ‘sexting’.
  • Depending on the image and the situation, sexting can result in criminal charges.
  • Emotional and reputational damage can come from sending photos of yourself to a friend who can become an ex-friend, and maliciously circulate your image to hurt you.
  • Remember that such photos can be widely shared and remain online forever.

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Protect your reputation

  • Just don’t send sexual images or messages across the internet or through your phone.
  • The risks and consequences to your reputation are just too great. As world renowned investor Warren Buffet once said, “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and about five minutes to ruin it.”

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FACT #3 Geo-tagging can reveal your location

  • Most smartphones and applications can capture your GPS location when you take a photo, and reveal your location - this is Geo-tagging. When you post your geo-tagged photo, people can see where you are if you select the option to reveal your location.
  • Who can see your location? It could be friends and family which is fun and useful. However, it could also be teachers, ex-boyfriends or girlfriends or complete strangers.
  • Think carefully before you decide to tell the world exactly where you are or where you’ve been.

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You are Part of an Online Community

  • Privacy is a fundamental part of digital citizenship. In other words, exercising our individual right to privacy is one part of being an ethical and engaged citizen of the web.
  • Consider an example of how social networking can be used in a positive way. Can you think of any examples? What about negative examples? (Note: if no responses- what about cyber bullying?)

FACT #4: The Internet magnifies and escalates bullying

  • If you are angry or upset, avoid posting nasty, mean or anonymous comments online.
  • Cyber-bullying has serious consequences that will hurt you and others.
  • Passing along a rumour about friends or tagging them in pictures affects their privacy. What was funny on Saturday night may not feel so good on Monday morning.

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  • Two teenagers in Edmonton were charged with cyber-bullying for online threats they made on social media. A police officer involved in the case urged young people to consider the impact their behavior has and the criminal record that may result.
  • Cyber-bullying is a very serious issue. If it happens to you, or if you see it happening to someone else, report it. Never bully others.

Story about Cyber-bullying

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FACT #5: Online Impersonation Exists

  • A teen was charged with creating a fake account with a victim’s name and photo. The accused used the account to send inappropriate, harmful remarks to friends of the victim.
  • Know who your friends are. If you have people on your online friend lists who aren’t really your friends, how do you know they are who they say they are?
  • Prevent people from hacking your accounts by creating strong passwords. Never share your passwords, and use different ones for different accounts.
  • If a friend is acting strange online, call them and find out what’s really going on.

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FACT #6 – People Snoop Around Online

  • People sometimes use social networking sites to “snoop”. It can be a way for coaches, parents, employers, and others to do a little investigative work into your background.
  • This is one reason that you should only post things that you are comfortable with everyone seeing – to make your online reputation work for you, instead of against you.


  • Many people, regardless of age, don’t think about how fast an e-mail or post can spread.

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Lapse of judgement

  • Harvard University revoked their acceptance of 10 students who were posting a number of inappropriate things in a private online message group on social media.
  • Think before you post something on social media because the consequences can be serious.

Story about social media.

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Lapse of judgement

  • Buy and sell sites allow you to purchase items such as used cell phones and second-hand sports gear. This platform can also be used by thieves to identify targets.
  • One woman put thousands of dollars of jewelry up for sale, and listed her address. The wrong people saw this, stole her jewelry, and physically harmed her.
  • Be careful about what you post online. If you have something to sell, create a generic e-mail account that doesn’t show your name. Consider doing the transaction in a public space, and always be in the company of someone you trust.


  • Think before you click!
  • Know who your friends are!
  • Tighten your privacy settings, and adjust them to protect your personal information appropriately.
  • Avoid disclosing your location
  • Keep strong passwords for each account, don’t share your password
  • Trust your instincts
  • Understand features such as geo-tagging before using them
  • Be aware of your online reputation
  • Never participate in cyberbullying.
  • Protect your privacy, as well as the privacy of your friends
  • Be discreet

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This presentation was produced by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC). The OPC’s mission is to protect and promote the privacy rights.

For more information, see our website

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