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Advisory services for businesses

Your business can get specific advice from the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) on how to better comply with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).

Find out how we can work together to proactively identify and address privacy issues.

Advisory consultations

Are you developing a new product, service or initiative that may have a significant impact on the privacy of Canadians? Your business can request compliance advice from the OPC before you launch. We can review how you currently manage personal information to help identify privacy compliance risks and provide you with practical advice to proactively address such gaps and risks.

Privacy clinics

We also conduct privacy clinics where your business can book an appointment with one of our advisors to discuss specific privacy matters relating to products or services you are designing, developing, or offering to Canadians and to consider if you need advice to achieve privacy compliance.

Proactive engagements

We may approach businesses and industry sectors that are engaged in activities or initiatives that may have a high impact on the privacy of Canadians. We will work with businesses and sectors to better understand the privacy impacts of new technologies and business models and help them innovate in a privacy compliant manner.

All these engagements are voluntary, and our services are free of charge.

What's in it for your business?

Compliance with privacy laws ensures the protection of rights as organizations both big and small benefit from the use of data. Some of the advantages we can offer:

  • Grow and innovate – By getting practical advice on how to ensure compliance with PIPEDA, your business can innovate and grow having taken into account your customers’ privacy rights. Good privacy practices can also help you build customer trust.
  • Increase your brand value and get a competitive edge – Privacy is good for business and will add to your brand value. Robust personal information management practices are a competitive advantage and build trust and confidence of your clients.
  • Limit risks and costs – By proactively ensuring privacy compliance from the start and addressing any issues early, you can limit the risks to your business’ reputation that may negatively impact your brand value. You can also avoid complaints and investigations and avoid the costs of having to modify your business processes later to make them privacy compliant.

Contact us

Businesses subject to PIPEDA can request an advisory consultation with our Business Advisory Directorate. Terms of Engagement apply to consultations. Our advisors can provide more information about how the process works. Please note that we prioritize engagements involving higher privacy risks or broader impacts on the privacy of Canadians.

To find out how we can work together, please call us and ask for the Business Advisory Directorate.

Toll-Free: 1-800-282-1376

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