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The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) has a wealth of resources to help Canadians understand privacy rights. The OPC also has resources to help businesses and federal institutions understand their obligations to protect privacy.

These publications and reports are available throughout the OPC website, according to topic and related activity. However, this page lets you browse the whole collection and use filters to narrow your search.

If you would like to obtain a paper copy of a particular publication, please send an email to clearly indicating which document you would like to obtain, as well as your name and postal address. You can also request alternate formats, such as large print documents, Braille or audio formats.

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Research project

Design jam: “In the age of connected devices, what is meaningful consent?”

Organization: British Columbia Freedom of Information and Privacy Association (BC FIPA)
Project Leaders: Joyce Yan and Bryan Short

Research project

Design jam on a modernized consent model to unlock health innovation

Organization: Memorial University, Faculty of Medicine
Project Leaders: Holly Etchegary (Principal Investigator) and Brenda Wilson, Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University, St. John’s, NL
Angela Power and Daryl Pullman, Newfoundland and Labrador Centre for Health Information, St. John’s, NL

Research project
Research project

Protecting user privacy in the connected world

Organization: Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Ontario Tech University (University of Ontario Institute of Technology)
Project Leader: Khalid Elgazzar

Research project

Citizen hacks design jam: A youth-run jam

Organization: Citizen Hacks
Project Leader: Benn McGregor

Research project
Research project

Involving seniors in developing privacy best practices: Towards the development of social support technologies for seniors

Organization: Ontario Tech University (University of Ontario Institute of Technology)
Project Leaders: Andrea Slane, Isabel Pedersen and Patrick C. K. Hung

Research project

Privacy report card for parental control solutions

Organization: Concordia University
Project Leaders: Mohammad Mannan and Amr Youssef

Research project

Showing items 541 through 550 of 1864.

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