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The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) has a wealth of resources to help Canadians understand privacy rights. The OPC also has resources to help businesses and federal institutions understand their obligations to protect privacy.

These publications and reports are available throughout the OPC website, according to topic and related activity. However, this page lets you browse the whole collection and use filters to narrow your search.

If you would like to obtain a paper copy of a particular publication, please send an email to clearly indicating which document you would like to obtain, as well as your name and postal address. You can also request alternate formats, such as large print documents, Braille or audio formats.

Start here to begin exploring the OPC’s publications.

Powerpoint presentation

Online privacy presentation package (Grades 9 to 12/Secondary III to V in Quebec)

Find slides and speaking notes for presenting to teens on protecting online reputation.

International privacy sweep
Joint Resolution

Safeguarding independent review of solicitor-client privilege claims

Canada’s federal, provincial and territorial Information and Privacy Commissioners (IPCs) perform a vital oversight function by ensuring that public bodies comply with their obligations under access to information and privacy legislation. IPCs perform an important first level of independent review about the manner in which public bodies process requests for access to information.

Showing items 991 through 1000 of 1864.

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