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A friend of a friend of a friend knows you’re on vacation

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As part of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner’s outreach effort, we are exploring other vehicles for communicating important privacy issues. We have already begun this blog, are experimenting with videos on YouTube and Google Video, and now have finished a Flash presentation.

The Flash presentation found below asks “what would you want a friend of a friend of a friend to know about you?” From our point of view as privacy advocates, a lot of online users do not take the time to really read and understand the user agreements required by all social networks. As online media consumers, we are used to “clicking” a box and ignoring the text inside.

It’s becoming obvious that a lot of Canadians – and others – are signing over their privacy rights to these companies in exchange for access to increasingly popular social networks.

This is a choice they can make, but we would hope that people would take a minute to think about their choices – and how much information they end up handing over to corporations, advertisers and marketing companies.

You need to a flashplayer enabled browser to view this YouTube video

View the presentation: What does a friend of a friend of a friend need to know about you?

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